due process time line

  • get arrested for canibis

    cops stops kid for no reason and ask for him to empty his pockets, kid doesnt and gets arrested and then the cop sreaches him and finds the canibis
  • Period: to

    court and trail

    go to court for an illegal sreach of drugs on 4/20. no reasonible sreach.
  • court date

    go to court, post bond, contenue for later date
  • evidence is collected

    evidnce for the trail gets collected and sorted
  • court date

    go to court, plea not gulity, court contuned for later date
  • cout date

    go on trail and fight ur case that the arrest was not legit that the cop arrested you for no reason
  • court date

    went to court. looked over the edvidnce court contenued for later date
  • court date

    go to court lawyer defends our side. gets excused from the trial for false reasoning on jury,
  • court date

    go to court, with new lawyercourt allows a short reeses where the cop leaves and doesnt show court contenuse for later date
  • court date

    cop was on a stake out could not come to court till now the cop says he was snooping out through the bushes and spying on the kid
  • court date

    the court was endded and now awaits the verdict
  • court date

    jury has a verdict, found him innoent do to unreasonible search