Dudley George's Case

  • Dudley George was Born

    Dudley George was Born
  • In 1993 Camp Ipperwash was still being used as cadet summer training centre for the Royal Canadian Army Cadets

    In 1993 Camp Ipperwash was still being used as cadet summer training centre for the Royal Canadian Army Cadets
  • A group of natives started a protest in Ipperwash Provincial Park

    A group of natives started a protest in Ipperwash Provincial Park
  • Dudley George was shot by an OPP officer, Kenneth Dean, he died at 12:20 am

    Dudley George was shot by an OPP officer, Kenneth Dean, he died at 12:20 am
    The shot's injured Dudley and he could have survived had he been sent to hospital soon after being shot.But Dudley George's sister and brother attempted to bring him to the local hospital for treatment but were arrested and delayed by the OPP for over an hour.
  • Seargent Deane was harged of murder

  • Sergeant Dean was found guilty

  • Kenneth deane found guilty

    The lawsuit brought by the family of the Aboriginal rights activist, Dudley George was scheduled to begin in Toronto on Sept. 8.
  • OPP officer Kenneth Deane pleaded guilty of killing George

    Kneeth Dean pleaded guilty of killing Dudley Goerge during a potest over Ipperwash Park.
  • OPP Officer Kenneth Dean was ordered to resign

    OPP Officer Kenneth Dean was ordered to resign
  • Ipperwash park Returned

    Ipperwash park Returned
    56-hectars of Iperwash provincial Park was retuened to the Native owners.