Europe physical map

Dualism of civilization and savagery in Europe

  • Period: to

    Lessons from the past.

  • Leviathan

    Book written by Thomas Hobbes. It discusses concepts such as "state of nature" and "social contract".
  • Slave trade

    Slave trade
    Engraving done by John Raphael Smith after George Morland. It represents slave which was quite popular at the end 17th and beggining of 18th century.
  • La Belle Hottentot

    La Belle Hottentot
    The print represents Sarah Bartman, one of the most famous examples of freak shows that were widespread throughout Europe, especially England and France in 19th century.
  • The Poor Law Amendment Act

    The Poor Law Amendment Act
    Law that was passed in England in order to deal with the growing number of poor. The law prohibited paupery and sent the poor in workhouses to work under harsh conditions.
  • Principles of Biology

    Principles of Biology
    This is a book by Herbert Spencer in which he discussed important notions such as social Darwinism. He is known in particular for misuse of Darwin's terms of "survival of the fittest" and "natural selection" and applying them to the society.
  • The Diary of a Young Girl

    The Diary of a Young Girl
    The diary of Anne Frank was published five years after her death. Anne Frank and her family hid for a couple of years in Amsterdam duing WWII and the Holocaust.