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Dreamland by Sarah Dessen
Cass runs away
Cass runs away on her sister Caitlin's 16th Birthday. She goes to New York to be live with her boyfriend. Cass leaves Caitlin her birthday present, which is a dream journal and write's in the journal and say's " See you in Dreamland". Cass running away leaves everyone in her family in shock and sad. -
Caitlin starts school
Caitlin starts school, she finally get's her licence. Caitlin's bestfriend Rina is there for Caitlin while she is going through this hard time. -
Cheerleading tryouts
Rina convinces Caitlin to tryout for cheerleading because it was something Cass had never done. Caitlin wasn't really thrilled about trying out for cheerleading but decided to do it, so she could try and take Cass's place and then her mother would actually pay attention to her. -
Making the team
Day's after tryouts were over Caitlin and Rina both find out they made the team.Caitlin made the cheerleading team because she was really good with doing handsprings and cartwheels. When her mother found out she was so excited! Then she starts drilling her with questions and hangs her cheer schedule up on the fridge where Cass's schedules use to hang. -
Labor Day picnic
Every year on Labor day Caitlin, Cass, Mom, Dad, Boo, and Stewart have a end-of-summer cookout to celebrate Labor Day. Except this year Cass is not their and it doesn't seem right. They make lot's of food and usually watch NCAA Final Four Game. -
Caitlin hated cheerleading more and more each day because the smiles, hih kicks and cartwheels the girls were doing was simply just not in her, but rina and her mother loved it. Her mother loved being involved she would organize bake sales, car washes, and would pack bags full of snacks. -
Cheerleading at a game
It was a bog game night because they were playing the rival team Central. The cheerleaders had a big halftime show planned. When they were taking the field Caitlin swore she could hear someone yelling "cass" and as they started the routine that's all she could think of and when she was all she could think about, when she got to the top of the pyramid she fell backwards off the top of the pyramid and passed out. She woke up to paramedics asking her if she could hear them. -
The after party
Before going to the after party Caitlin and some of the other girls rode together and went to the car wash to vacuum out her friends car after her friends boyfriend puked in it. While at the car wash Caitlin met Rogerson. After they left they went to the party where Caitlin was being forced to hangout with Mike who she did not like or want to date. Just as Mike was about to ask her out, Rogerson showed up and Caitlin left the party and went with Rogerson, she didn't really know him,but likedhim -
Lamont Whipper Show
One day after school Caitlin was watching the Lamont Whipper show. She caught a glipse of Cass. Caitlin knew that Cass's boyfriend worked for the Lamont Whipper show, but she had no idea that cass also worked for the show. When she saw Cass on tv it gave Caitlin a sense of relief, knowing that she is a live. Caitlin's mother was excited to just see Cass on tv , and know that Cass is working and is safe. -
Fist offical date with Rogerson
Caitlin is going out with Rogerson for the first time and her mother is worried because she claimed she just met him today. Her mother doesn't like the idea of her going out with him already. Caitlin sat and waited for Rogerson and watched the stoplight change.When he arrived at 7 and she got in the car they didn't say a single word to each other. His plan fo rthe night was to go and deliever pot to some of his customers. They went to a few parties and Caitlin met his mother. -
Senior days
The cheerleading squad has a performance at the senior center for the people their. They do one of ther dance routines. Once they finish Caitlin goes to the kitchen to see if her mother needs help. While she is helping her mother she see's Rogedrson. They talk and she ask's him why he never called her after the party the other night. He said he didn't know her last name so he offers to take her out later that night. -
After school
After school Rogerson waited for Caitlin in the parking lot everyday. They had a daily routine of just driving around, and delivering pot to his customers. -
Being Judged
The girls on the cheerleading squad would judge caitlin for dating Rogerson. When she started riding home with him after practice and games they would all stare and snicker as they passed the bus or as she walked out of the school builiding. -
One afternoon
One afternoon Caitlin got home from practice early and she came home to her mother and boo watching the Lamont Whipper show and discussing how Caitlin's mothe rhad mastered pottery and she was glad she decided to take a pottery class. Then they sat and discussed what class they were going to take next, the thought maybe cake decorating or aronatherapy.But the three of them, then decided to take a photograpy class instead. -
After cheerleading practice one day....
One day after cheerleading practice Caitlin was getting ready to leave when Mike Evans stopped to talk to her about what happened at the party. He was trying to tell her that people are talking about her in a bad way at school. Then Rogerson comes in to see where Caitlin is because he had been waiting for a while. The two boys start yelling at each other, then Caitlin and Rogerson leave together. -
Formal Introduction
Rogerson and Caitlin had been dating for about 3 weeks, so one night Caitlin decided that he should meet her parents. Her parent's and Boo and Stewart were have a game night that night he came over to meet them all. When he came in he said hi, then was asked to paly the game with them. While this was happening Caitlin was so emabarssed, and after they finally left Caitlin kept apologizing to Rogerson. -
One month with Rogerson
Caitlin and Rogerson ahd been together for about a month and they went to this old farm house in the country. They went there because rogersonw as friends the young couple that lived there, also he sold pot to them. After being there for a while Caitlin started to realize that she like Corinna and they quickly became friends and they both smoked pot together and watched tv and hungout and talked. -
As the beginning of December started Caitlin was busy wuth photographery class with her mother and Boo. She was also doing cheerleading, hanging out with Rogerson and keeping up with her grades. But when ever she found her self stressed or crazy busy she would go to Dave and Corinnas to just hangout, relax and be with friends and smoke. -
Saturday afternoon's
Every Saturday Caitlin goes to the art's center to her photogrpahery class with her mother and Boo. She wasn't very fond of her instructor Matthew. He was to energetic and young for Caitlin.But she did like the locations he took them to, to shoot photos. They went to Topher Lake, a graveyard, and the supermarket. -
One saturday during photographery they did developing. Caitlin watched as her images emerged in front of her: perfect and white. Then out of know where Matthew holds up her image and congratulates her on her work well done. -
Winter Athletic Ceremony
Caitlin had her winter sports ceremony for cheerleading. Afterschool she was to go to a cheerleading meeting but decided to skip and just go to Corinna's because she needed pot. She went there for a while , she was was watching the Lamont Whiiper show and saw her sister again and when she saw her it almost seemed like she was looking right at her on tv.She left Corina's and on her way home she Rina her bestfriend on her car crying so she stopped to help her and talk to her. -
After the Winter Athetic Ceremony/ Rogerson's 1st hit.
After the ceremony Caitlins mother insisted on taking her picture. But Caitlin was trying to hurry her mom along because she knew Rogerson was waiting and that he hates waiting. Ont he car ride home Caitlin explained to ROgerson why she wasn't home when he showed up today, and he was furious. She was just joking around with him and called him a "big baby"andhe lashed out on her and hit her across the face.She was in shock and it hurt he quickly apoligized and acted like nothing had happened. -
Last Photography class/ Rogerson Second hit
Boo, Caitlin and Caitlin's mom had there last class and they were finishing up developing there people series. After class caitlin was waiting for Rogerson to pick her up and was talkin to Matthew. When rogerson showed up Caitlin got in the car. When they got home Rogersons tarted yelling at her asking who Matthew was she explained, he didn't understand and hit her across the face again. When she got inside hre mother saw the mark on her face and asked her how she said she fell out by mail box. -
Christmas eve
Caitlin and Rogerson spent the whole night together. He cooked her dinner, gave her a silver necklace that had tiny, interlocking squares. They slept together for the first time that night. -
New Years Eve
On new years eve Caitlin was talking to another guy while she was at a party with Rogerson. She was talking to him while Rogerson was taking care of things in another room, then when he saw her talking to another guy he pulled her outside and slammed her head up against a wall and made her head bleed. -
In a daze
Caitlin keeps finding her self in a daze or asleep during classes. Her teacher's, friends, and family keep asking her if she's okay or what's worng with her. But she knew that she would rather be in Dreamland, then the real world. -
Rogerson picks caitlin up everydau for lunch. If she is not there when he gets there, he beats her when she gets in the car. No matter how fast she get's across the school she can never beat him. She got so afraid that she would skip class just so she was on time and didnt have to get beat again. -
Holding Back
Rina keeps trying to get Caitlin to hangout with her afterschool, because they haven't hungout in a long time. Caitlin keeps telling her no, because she has plans with Rogerson. But Rina doesn't understand that if Caitlin doesn't hangout out with Rogerson that she will pay for later. Caitlin wan't to tell Rina that Rogerson abuses her but she just can't. -
Getting kicked off the team
The cheerleading team called everyone together one day so they could talk to Caitlin. They explained to her that she has no energy at the games or practices, she showed up late often, and that she was off the team. She didn't care at all it just ment more free time for her. She was more worried about her mother, she decided she would lie to her and just text rina and ask her the scores of the games, then tell her mom and pretty much fake it all. -
Talking to Cass
Caitlin decided to finally talk to Cass for the first time since she left. She didn't say anything to her. Cass kept asking her if she was there, or hello. Then Caitlin couldn't say anything so she just hung up. -
Preparing for the big April Fools day party.
Every year for april fools day Cailin's mother and Boo alway held a big party! The food varied each year as well as the people that showed up. Boo and mom always cooked for a week straight and froze things and thawed them out when the time was right. The fridge and freezer was packed with food like cheese balls, baklava,ahrimp, veggies, tofu. -
When Caitlin finally got home, she noticed Rogerson was at her house waiting for her, when she saw that she paniced. She got in his car and he immediately started yelling at her. She gripped the door handle. He pushed her and she opened the door to the car and fell out of the car. He got out and started screaming at her telling her to get up. She couldn't she was in too much pain. -
Rogerson part 2
Rogerson kept yelling at her to get up and she kept saying she couldn't he kicked and yelled another time. Then Caitlin's mother and some other party gues came running over to them, and he rmother started yelling at Rogerson to stop. The police showed up and Rogerson got aressted. Caitlin didn't want him to go but he did. -
Hanging out with Rina
Rina forced Caitlin to hangout with her because she knew that caitlin did not want to be at the party. So they went to Rina's lake house. But Caitlin wasn't worried about hanging and having a good time she was more worried about rogerson and what was going to happen later. she kept wanting to go home after they had only been there for a few hours, while rina was drunk. Caitlin started walking home because rina woudln't take her. then rinas boyfriend took her home. -
Evergreen Care Center
Caitlin's parents center to a hospital care place to get her better. She had a roomate and goes to multiple therapy sessions during the week, and also goes to group sessions also. She has visitors come on wednesdays and sundays. Her mother always came on wednesdays and sundays was always someone different. Either her dad, Boo, Stewart, or Rina came. Whenever she had visitors they would usually remanice about good times. -
About a month into her stay at evergreen care center Caitlins mother brought her mail. There were two letters in the stack of mail one from cass and one from corina. Corina's was about how she moved to California and how she was sorry about leaving and not saying good-bye. Cass's was about good old times. -
Going Home!!!!
Caitlin finaly got to leave Evergreen care center! Her mom helped her get her things together and took her home. When she got home all of her friends and family were there. There was one person that she did not expect to be there that was there. It was Cass her sister.