downfall of the hawaiian kingdom

By koa
  • 2 royal dynasties ending

    2 royal dynasties ending
    The people who had major roles in this event were William Charles Lunalilo, Kamehameha.
    At the time it was 1874, and many things were happening.
    Both royal lineages died out, and David Kalakaua was elected as king, because he was lunalilo's private successor.
  • Treaty of Reciprocity

     Treaty of Reciprocity
    The main cause of this event was from the U.S government, in the year 1875.
    The U.S tried to negotiate with the Hawaiian people, the king refused and that sooner affected them. Which it does.
  • Kalakaua national trip

          Kalakaua national trip
    A person who had major influence during this time period was King David Kalakaua, Around 1881. K.D.K becomes the first monarch in all history to circumnavigate the earth. Pretty much implying that king David Kalakaua was one of the first noticed monarchs that traveled around the world.
  • Iolani Palace

    Iolani Palace
    The first initial place for Hawaiian monarchs. It was very much ahead of its time just like the white house and other places, it was the first building to have electricity, as well with a working phone.
  • The Bayonet Constitution

    The Bayonet Constitution
    They still tried to talk to the king, but noticed that talking wouldn't cut it, so they surrounded the building with soldiers armed with bayonets.
  • the Mckinley Tariff

    the Mckinley Tariff
    It was a system of Tariffs, a Tariff back than were pretty much taxes for national traveled goods, and the Mckinley tariff was exactly that
  • Queen Liliuokalani's new constitution

    Queen Liliuokalani's new constitution
    Queen Liliuokalani is now the first woman to reign the Hawaiian country. And would only be the first woman ruling our country..
  • House arrest :/

    House arrest  :/
    The U.S forcefully kept Queen Liliuokalani in the Iolani palace, and is kept there as a prisoner.
    The overthrow of the Hawaiian kingdom begins.
  • Annexation

    Hawaii was annexed by the U.S through New Zealand's Resolution, and is now considered a state of the U.S :(