Dork Diaries tales from a not-so-popular party girl

  • The photo

    Nicky has won 500$ with a drawing competition. Now, Brandon is taking a photo of her for the schoolpaper.
  • Embarassing funeral

    Nicky is at a funeral from Wilbur stink, a retired buisnessman who worked with her father. But during the funeral she has to hiccup and can't stop. Pretty embarassing.
  • Party dress

    Nicky is invited for a party from Mackenzie, so she has to find a dress for that night. After hours of searching, she finally found the perfect dress.
  • Mackenzies party

    Nicky is at Mackenzies party with her friends Chloë and Zoey. When Chloë and Zoey went dancing with Jason and Ryan, Nicky was alone at the chocolate fountain. When she was eating some food Mackenzie and her friend Jessica came to her, and slapped the plate over Nicky's dress.
  • Halloween date!

    Nicky was in the libary reading a book. Brandom came to her to ask something. She was shocked when he asked her for the Halloween party, but ofcours she said yes.
  • Halloween commission

    After Mackenzie stopped being the moderator and took all the commissionmembers with her, Chloë, Zoey and Nicky were searching for new people who would like to help organise the Halloween party. After searching for a while they finally found three more people who would help them.
  • No location, band and food

    Mackenzie didn't just left the girls with the organising of the party but she also canceled the party location. So now there is no party location. There was also no food or band so the commission had nothing, they didn't even have money to hire something.
  • Dirty costume and party location

    Nicky would get 150$ if she painted the balletclass of her little sister at a halloween party in the Zoo. She thought that she would get a cute costume but instead she got a dirty rat costume. She found herself pretty sad, but suddenly she got a bril liant (couldn't type the full word it changed every time in dutch) idea. What if she could give the party in a hounted house? She called school and everything was orderly. The party found place in the Westchester Zoo.
  • Party drama

    Nicky was going to tell Chloë and Zoey that she was going to the party with Brandon,but Chloë and Zoey have made costumes so that the three of them could go to the party. Nicky couldn't say no, so now she has to go to the party with Brandon and Chloë and Zoey. But she also has to be at the Halloween party from her sisters balletclass.
  • Party night

    The Halloween party is tonight, but first Nicky has to be at the Halloween party from the balletclass. During the Halloween party from the balletclass, her own school party is beginning. The whole night is Nicky changing from costume to be with Brandon, Chloë, Zoey and also at the Halloween party from the balletclass.