Donna J Haraway

  • Donna J Haraway

    Donna Haraway is a well versed women, age of 76. holding a collection of intellect from over her years. She is known for her knowledge in humanities, environmental, feminist theory, and scientific study's. Too name a few.
  • Honors

    Awarded the honor of "J.D. Bernal prize" in 2000. his honor was given for her contributions over a life time.
    She also received a scholarship while attending school at The Colorado college. where she studied zoology and philosophy.
  • Publications

    Donna Haraway published many things over the years but i would like to note a work published in 2008. Called "When Species meet" taking a dive into the philosophy of animal human relations. Specifically the relationship between dogs and humans. This is a fascination for some me included.
  • Hearing from haraway

    In this link embedded below you will find an excerpt from a lecture by Haraway. Talking about interspecies connection. this as posted on June 18, 2008.
  • Citations

    “When Species Meet.” University of Minnesota Press, 17 Dec. 2020,
    “Donna Haraway.” The European Graduate School,,received%20a%20Boettcher%20Foundation%20scholarship.