Donna Haraway Brith
she was born in Denver Colorado her father was a writer and he mother was Irish and a proud catholic woman she has always been a leading the feminist ideas/theory's even study's like human/machine relationship and human animal relationships. her ideas have been heavily criticized when her views on the world which caused a shift in feminism and how scientific ideas where viewed. -
relations between developmental biology
before she gradated from Yale with her PhD in biology she helped publish a paper titled the crystals, fabrics and fields metaphors of the organicism in twentieth century. Haraways paper was published in her finally years in Yale. which was later publish -
cyborgs manifesto : science technology and social feminism
this was an essay explain the idea that there shouldn't be boundaries between cyborgs and humans and even animals and humans relationships in her own words she writes '' cyborgs do not dream'' she uses the idea or metaphor relating cyborgs to to help the feminist movement to move beyond there limitations or traditional gender roles or pollical standing. in the 1980s her cyborg manifesto argued woman should not create connects based on being female/ affinity -
Science Questions in feminism and the privilege of prespective.
this was written by Sandra Harding's for a commentary but in 1986Hardaway had a unique idea on feminist and there over all impact/intervention between the more masculine leader traditional life style. scientific concept and new rhetoric helped Hardaway describe and identify new metaphors which help the traditional feminist critique scientist theory's. -
She Wrote Primate Visions: Gender, Race, and Nature in the World of Modern Science
Donna Haraway idea focused on how differences of male primatologist which tend to over emphasize define findings on reproduction while .female primatologist where focusing on different ideas involved more communication new origins of how nature and culture this effort was to offer a new prospective which could replace current accepted theory's Donna J. Primate Visions: Gender, Race, and Nature in the World of Modern Science. Routledge, 2015. -
Bernal Award
Haraway was chosen in effort on her major impact in this scientific field the society of the social study's of science gave her the Bernal award this was the highest form of respect the J.D Bernal awards had to offer