Donna is born
Born in Denver -
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Lets meet Donna
Donna is a highly regarded woman. Her first college experience she had a triple major and that was at Colorado college. After graduation she attended another school in Paris and brushed up on her studies of evolutionary philosophy and theology. Later She graduated Yale with her PhD. Such a role model for young women. -
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Lets meet Donna Part 2
Donna is an active feminist. Currently her main interest is feminists studies. She was influenced by Nancy Hurtsock, Sandra Harding and Robert Young to name a few. She hold two awards those being the J.D. Bernal Award and the Ludwig Fleck prize. She has sparked many debates with her theories and has taught at several large colleges. -
Completed PhD at Yale
Published her works Crystals, fabrics and fields
Published Cyborg Manifesto
Published Primate Versions
Published situated knowledge: the science
Published Simians,Cyborgs and Women
Published How to live like a leaf
GIven the JD Bernal Award
The Award was given to her for lifetime contributions to her field of study. -
Published The Companion Species Manifesto: Dogs, People and Significant Others
Published When Species Meet