Donna 1

Donna Haraway

  • Birth 1944

    Birth 1944
    Donna Haraway was born on September 6, 1944 in Denver CO. Her father was a sportswriter and mother a died at Haraway's age of 16.
  • Period: to

    Donna Haraway Life

  • Schooling

    Donna Haraway grew up in Colorado and attended Colorado College getting a degree in Zoology and philosophy. Later she reached another goal and got he Ph.D. at Yale in Biology in 1972
  • Era of Science Wars

    Era of Science Wars
    Among her female counterpart Nancy Hartsock the idea of "stimulated knowledge was born. This idea showed that there was a highly chance of race, sex or class to cause bias among researchers and scientists this of course caused huge backlashed among the community. This is likely due to her throwing a huge wrench into how people thought they could conduct science and philosophy.
  • J.D. Bernal Award

    J.D. Bernal Award
    This award is given to those who have given and enormous amount of knowledge and new ideas to the field. This award is ran though Society of Social Studies of Science.
  • Teaching

    Now Donna Haraway resides in Santa Cruz, California. She teaches at the University of California there as well. She focuses on feminist and humanities courses and has no plan to retire according to an interview with the Guardian.