George washingon

  • George washington

    He could've been in the Royal Navy when he was fifteen but his mom told him no. This big moment in george's life because if this didn't happen he could've just been in the british navy and not have been our leader.
  • George washington become's a leutenant colonel

    George Washington was appointed to warn the french about approaching english lands in the ohio river valley. He was then commisioned to leutenant colonel.
  • George washington is elected as commander and chief of continental forces

    After the battles of lexington and concord the continental congress elects George Washington unamisouley was elected as commader and chief.
  • George Washington Victory in Boston

    George washington and the continental army drove the british, out of boston.
  • George and the army crossed the delaware river

    George washington crossed the river and launched a surprise attack on the hessions in trenton new jersey. Turning point in washington and war.
  • Valley Forge

    George and the army camped for the winter at valley forge where they had to over come. Disease and washington had to convince the congress to pay for their provision.
  • George and Arnolds Treason

    Big moment in washington's life when he found out the intentions of one of his favorite generals, general Arnold. Found out he was giving the british secrets and was a huge traitor
  • Victory at Yorktown

    French naval forces were trapping the british army from leaving off of the coast. While washington cornered them on the ground and had general cornwallis surrender
  • Treaty of Paris

    The treaty of paris meant that the british fully left the United States and washington took control of new york. Then retired for his eight years of service
  • Constitutional convention

    Big moment for washington as he signed the constitution of the United States.
  • George washington President of the United States

    Big moment as being the first president of the United States
  • Geoge washington