donald trump

  • Date of birth

  • first job

    Donald first job was picking up bottles for his fathers' construction company
  • owner of the trump organization

    when he the job one of his first acts was to change the name of his company he changed it to The Trump Organization
  • keystone pipeline

    Construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline
  • preventing violence

    Preventing Violence Against Federal, State, Tribal, and Local Law Enforcement Officers
  • start in office

    trump started his official presidency
  • executive order

    Minimizing the Economic Burden of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Pending Repeal
  • executive order

    trump protects the nation from foreign terrorist entry into the U.S
  • executive order

    Enforcing Statutory Prohibitions on Federal Control of Education
  • meeting

    Trump plans to meet with North Korean leader to talk about nukes
  • visit

    trump says that if trip to north korea is not fruitful he may exit the summit
  • trumps college

    wharton university, Fordham University and unniversity of pennsylvania