
Dominican Movie History

  • The emergence of Dominican cinema

    The emergence of Dominican cinema
    The first appearance of the cinema in the country dates from August 1900, when an exhibition of the Lumière cinematography is offered at the Curiel Theater in the northern city of Puerto Plata.
  • Landolfi Cinema

    Landolfi Cinema
    A new movie theater opens in the capital, in the courtyard of the Casino de la Juventud, and in the open air, the Landolfi Cinema that exhibited on the weekends and then increased to three weekly sessions
  • Cinematography of the Cibao.

    Cinematography of the Cibao.
    The first national distributor was created: Cinematografia the Cibao, based in Puerto Plata, owned by brothers Carlos and Jose Cinebra. Already in those years the Dominican theaters exhibited abundant film material.
  • The Dominican cinema from the year 1915

    The Dominican cinema from the year 1915
    Date in which the first film in Dominican territory takes place, although the production was not composed by Dominicans, was rolled in the country.
  • The first fiction film of Dominican cinema

    The first fiction film of Dominican cinema
    In the cinematographic prehistory of Dominican cinema, the work of the photographer and editor Francisco Palau stands out. Along with photographer Tuto Báez and Juan B. Alfonseca, I made the first fiction film in Dominican cinema: The Legend of the Virgin of Altagracia, with the collaboration of the historian Bernardo Pichardo.
  • The premiere at night

    The premiere at night
    The premiere on the night of February 16 became the first Dominican film. Francisco Arturo Palau is considered the father of Dominican cinema.
  • Palau Productions

    Palau Productions
    Palau made two other productions, which were: "The Dominican Republic" (documentary) and "The ambushes of Cupid". He also collaborated with other international filmmakers in the production of other films.
  • First exhibition of a sound film material

    First exhibition of a sound film material
    In the Independence Theater, the first exhibition of a sound film was made, an "advance" and then the film "Luchy Boy" was presented, with incorporated sound.
  • The first use of sound

    The first use of sound
    The first use of the sound was a news program about the inauguration of President Rafael Leónidas Trujillo. This dictatorial regime installed by Trujillo from imposes a total restriction on artistic and cultural manifestations, stimulating only what I have considered beneficial for their purposes.
  • Cineasta Rafael Augusto

    Cineasta Rafael Augusto
    Only in 1953 did the filmmaker Rafael Augusto Sánchez Sanlley "Pupito" produce thirteen documentaries for the regime and his company Cine Dominicano.
  • Oscar Torres

    Oscar Torres
    The Dominican Oscar Torres, who had left the country to study film in Italy, then moved to Puerto Rico where he produced some documentaries. Later, in Cuba he made two films of great significance: "Tierra olvidada" and "Realengo 18", both winners of several international awards.
  • The fall of tyranny

    The fall of tyranny
    The fall of tyranny on May 30, 1961, was a great boom that was evident in all orders, including cultural. Thus, just two weeks after Trujillo's execution, on May 30, 1961, Hugo Mateo, who had collaborated with Pupito Sánchez Sanlley and his team on the thirteen fateful documentaries, began the production of "May 30 : gesta liberating ", from mainly archive material.
  • Playwright Franklin Domínguez

    Playwright Franklin Domínguez
    And later, in 1963, the playwright Franklin Domínguez presented "La Silla", where he insisted on condemning the horrors of the trujillato.
  • "You too"

    "You too"
    The Catholic Office of Social Promotion (PAHO) carried out in 1966 "You too", a documentary about the miserable living conditions of a large part of the population
  • Max Pou y Eduardo Palmer

    Max Pou y Eduardo Palmer
    Max Pou and Eduardo Palmer made, in 1967, two documentary works: "The effort of a people" and "Our history".
  • Jean-Louis Jorge

    Jean-Louis Jorge
    The young Dominican director Jean-Louis Jorge filmed in 1972 "The snake of the moon of the pirates", which won the prize of the festival of Toulon, in France. Later, in 1975, Jean-Louis will present another quality production: "Melodrama".
  • CINEC Group

    CINEC Group
    The group CINEC, directed by Jimmy Sierra, presents several documentaries based on the Dominican social reality: "Primero de mayo", by Jimmy Sierra; "Pescadores", by Edison Rivas and "Caen los remos", by Carlos Figuero. In that same year, CINEC launches its "Popular Cinema Circuit", through which they develop an intense democratic and revolutionary work through the Seventh Art.