Domestic Terrorism - Unit 6 - Wright Esposito

  • Oklahoma City Bombing

    The Oklahoma City Bombing was when Timothy McVeigh blew up a federal building, killing 168 people. This is significant because at the time this occurred it was the most horrific domestic terrorist attack that had occurred in the U.S.
  • Patriot Act

    The Patriot Act allows the U.S. government to spy on its own citizens that are suspected of being terrorists. This act raises questions about American citizens rights to privacy. The Patriot Act is incredibly significant to the topic of domestic terrorism. This is because the Patriot act helped to further the war on terror.
  • September 11th

    September 11th was when the world trade center (Twin Towers) was attacked. Terrorists flew hijacked airplanes into the sides of both buildings, as well as the pentagon. September 11th is one of the most significant acts of domestic terrorism in recent years. It practically started the war on terror.
  • Department of Homeland Security

    The Department of Homeland Security is a government agency that is designed to help protect the American people. While this agency may sound good on paper, they have been accused of violating American citizens rights to privacy.
  • Boston Marathon Bombings

    The Boston Marathon Bombings are when several terrorists decided to plant bombs near the end of the race. As people crossed the finish line, many were injured and killed. This is a significant act of domestic terrorism in recent years.