The Federal Judiciary Act
Set up the judicial branch for America. It eventually led to an increased understanding of checks and balances, and separation of powers. It also was the act that created the Supreme Court. -
Whiskey Rebellion
It was a rebellion against the tariff on whiskey. It led to more protective tariffs and the beggening of executive orders. -
Alexander Hamilton's Financial Plan
It created America's first National Bank. It put taxes on all imported items so it would grow our industry. It also established trading with big countries such as Britain and France. -
Farewell Adress
A lot of America at the time was very agrarian and had many slaves. The fact that Washington had a plantation but didn't mention it in his address gave America an assurance that slavery would continue and it increased economy. -
Political Parties
The parties consisted of the Federalists and the Democratic - Republicans. They split the country in half because of their radical differences in political, economic, and social views. Many confrontations ended violently. -
Marbury vs Madison
It was the first Supreme Court case and it was one of the most important ones. It was over if Marbury, a Justice of Peace, got his commission from Madison, the Secretary of State. In the end no one won and John Marshall established judicial review. -
Louisiana Purchase
The purchase was for all of the land France owned west of the Mississippi. It was bought for 15 million. It doubled the size of America and boosted the American economy tenfold with all the arable land gained in the Louisiana Purchase. -
Lewis and Clark Expedition
It was an expedition to discover the flora, fauna, and land of the Louisiana territory. It was the first steps to inhabiting and using the land in the frontier. It dramatically increased our agriculture and helped drum up economy. -
Less Government interference in the economy
The government then finally started honoring the true meaning of free enterprise. It allowed for more businesses to pop up and make money. It began the trend of having successful small business that the middle class could profit off of. -
Less Government Spending
Reagan also made sure that the government didn't use up a lot of money. This allowed the government to stop using so much tax money and it kept the government out of debt. The government was then forced to use money on more helpful things for America. -
Tax Cut
Ronald Reagan issued a 25% tax. This helped the more wealthy people invest in corporations and small businesses. It increased the income of the middle class and the more wealthy -
Money Supply tightened
The money created, authorized, and regulated was reduced to lessen the risk of inflammation. The previous administration almost crashed America into depression. The tightened money supply saved the country from another depression.