Madison 1

Dolley and James Madison

  • James was Born

    James was Born
    James Madison was port in Port Conway in Virginia. There is now a sign at the port that reads "Birthplace of Madison" along with other information about the port.
  • Dolley was Born

    Dolley was Born
    Dolley Payne, later Dolley Madison, was born in New Garden, North Carolina. She was born in a meeting house established by the Quakers.
  • James Elected to the Virginia Convention

    James Elected to the Virginia Convention
    James served as a delegate to the Virginia Convention. Here he played a vital role in developing Virginia's new constitution.
  • The Wedding

    The Wedding
    Dolley and James were married after Dolley's first husband, John Todd, died. Pictured here is Dolley's wedding ring.
  • James is Appointed Secretary of State

    James is Appointed Secretary of State
    in 1800, Thomas Jefferson was elected president. He made James his Secretary of State. During his time in this position, America made the Louisiana Purchase.
  • James is Elected

    James is Elected
    James Madison was elected to be the fourth president in 1808 with the help of the president before him, Thomas Jefferson. He won the election so easily, he did not even have to make speeches throughout his campaign and still won.
  • Congress Declares War

    Congress Declares War
    During his his time as president, James Madison did endure a war. It was the war of 1812. This war was started because of British along with a few other countries were seizing American warships.
  • The British Burn D.C.

    The British Burn D.C.
    In April of 1813, American soldiers sailed into Canada and burned down two Parliament buildings. So the British returned the favor in 1814 by setting fire to much of Washington D.C. After this, the two countries decided to sign a peach treaty. Although it did not resolve the initial cause of the war, at least peace was made.
  • James Dies

    James Dies
    James Madison died at the age of 85. After his death, Dolley moved back to Washington D.C. after living in Virginia where she a respected hostess and welcome guys of any Congressman or president.
  • Dolley Dies

    Dolley Dies
    Dolley Madison died at the age of 81. When she died, the president of the time declared the day of her funeral a "time of national mourning." The couple are now buried together at their home in Montpelier, Virginia.