Do Vocabulary Timeline

By KatyD21
  • Distinctive

    Young Sherlock by Craig Sodaro "Henry: I'd say it's pretty distinctive, old chap!" (Sodaro 26). Distinctive: Characteristic of one person or thing, and so serving to distinguish it from others.
  • Grudge

    Confessions from the Principal's chair
    by Anna Myers. "Here it comes, In told myself, and I also thought how I'd be forgiving. No use holding a grudge." (Myers 16). Grudge: a persistent feeling of ill will or resentment resulting from a past insult or injury
  • Affliction

    Maximum Ride 2 by James Patterson - NaRae Lee
    "Fruit. Affliction. Didst. Delight. Dwell again..." (Patterson 6?)
    Definition:Something that causes pain or suffering.
  • Meandering

    The Color of My Words by Lynn Joseph
    "I could see the river, meandering over rocks, hungry for rain" (Joseph 27).
    Meandering: following a winding course.
  • Glorious

    The Color of My Words by Lynn Joseph
    "It is close to my home and the sand is a glorious white that burns your feet in the middle of a sunny day" (Joseph 55).
    Definition: having a striking beauty or splendor that evokes feelings of delighted admiration
  • Eccentric

    Amulet by Kazu Kibuishi
    "My grandfather was Eccentric."
    Definition: (of a person or their behavior) unconventional and slightly strange.
  • Priority

    Amulet 2 by Kazu Kibuishi
    "Strike swiftly and silently. The children are priority one" (Kibuishi 30).
    Priority: the fact or condition of being regarded or treated as more important.
  • Transpired

    Amulet ll by Kazu Kibuishi
    "The elders of the resistance have foretold all that has transpired" (Kibuishi 71).
    Transpired: Something that had occurred or happened.
  • Progenitor

    Amulet 4 by Kazu Kibuishi
    "Someday you will both see that there is a lot about your progenitors you do not understand" (Kibuishi 51).
    Progenitor : a person or thing from which a person, animal, or plant is descended or originates; an ancestor or parent.
  • Enduring

    Amulet 5 by Kazu Kibuishi
    "He became an enduring historical figiure for two reasons" (Kibuishi 139) Enduring : continuing or long-lasting
  • Comply

    Amulet 5 by Kazu Kibuishi
    "If you fail to comply, we will be forced to open fire!" (Kibuishi 16). Comply: act in accordance with a wish or command.
  • Chrysanthemums

    A swiftly Tilting Planet pg 3 - 5
    "Meg Murry O'Keefe had an arrangement of chrysanthemums for the dining table, and the yellow, bronze and pale-gold blossoms seemed to add light to the room" (L'engle 1)
    Chrysanthemums: Chrysanthemums, sometimes called mums or chrysanths, are flowering plants of the genus Chrysanthemum in the family Asteraceae.
  • Adolescence

    A Swiftly Tilting Planet - 3 - 5 "They had put up with her all through her prickly adolescence, and she still did not feel very grown up" (L'engle 5) Adolescence: the period following the onset of puberty during which a young person develops from a child into an adult.
  • immunological

    A Swiftly Tilting Planet - 3-5 "...Perhaps at this very minute-giving a paper on the immunological system oof chordates" (L'engle 1) immunological: a branch of biology that covers the study of immune systems in all organisms.
  • Enclaves

    Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children -Graphic Novel- - Pg 77 - 105 "Something had to be done, so people like myself created places where young peculiars could live apart from common folk-physically and temporarily isolated enclaves like this one, of which I am enormously proud of" (Riggs 105) Enclaves: a portion of territory within or surrounded by a larger territory whose inhabitants are culturally or ethnically distinct.
    a place or group that is different
  • Befuddled

    The School for Good and Evil - Pg 6
    "Then she had donated homemade lemonwood face wash to the town orphanage (for, as she insisted to the befuddled benefactor..."(Chainani 5).
    Befuddled: make (someone) unable to think clearly.
  • Heirloom

    Miss Peregrine's home for peculiar children - Pg 21 - 39
    "My parents treated me like a breakable heirloom, afraid to fight or fret in front of me lest I shatter" (Riggs 39). Heirloom: a valuable object that has belonged to a family for several generations.
  • Ushered

    Miss Peregrine's home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs
    "He thanked the man again and quickly ushered me out the door" (Riggs 73)
    Ushered: show or guide (someone) somewhere.
  • Connoisseur

    Miss Peregrine's home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs
    "Now, I'm no hotel connoisseur, which was directly across the street" (Riggs 73).
    Connoisseur: an expert judge in matters of taste.
  • Bedraggled

    Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs - (Pg 89 - 140)
    "I slowed to a fast walk, hoping that a muddy and bedraggled American boy who was not running would attract somewhat less attention than one who was" (Riggs 130-131) Bedraggled: dirty and disheveled.
  • Intuited

    Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs - ( Pgs 141 - 163 )
    "And then her expression turned grim, as if, in our brief silence between us, she had intuited the terrible thing I'd come to tell her" (Riggs 150-151). Intuited: understand or work out by instinct.
  • Serenely

    Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs - (Pgs 164 - 218) "Within five minutes I was half-asleep in the grass, smiling like a dope, wondering serenely what might be on the menu for lunch" (Riggs 213).
    Serenely: in a calm, peaceful, and untroubled manner.
  • solemnly

    Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (Pgs 234 - 252) "Bronwyn trooped out, nodding solemnly as they passed" (Hinton 250).
    Solemnly: with deep sincerity.
  • Gale

    Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (Pgs 258 - 280) "Boats clattered against their moorings in the heavy chop but none left the harbor; to take one out in such a gale would've been suicidal" (Riggs 278). Gale: A very strong wind
  • Caliber

    Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (Pgs 288 - 319)
    "This was a small caliber-a pop rather than a bang-..." (Riggs 315). Caliber: the internal diameter or bore of a gun barrel.
  • Jettisoned

    Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children - Pgs (NA)
    The Angel Experiment (Maximum Ride) - Pgs (41 - 48)
    "Ten peculiar children and one peculiar bird were made to fit in just three stout rowboats, with much being jettisoned and left behind on the dock" (Riggs 352)
    Jettisoned: abandon or discard (someone or something that is no longer wanted).
  • Abreast

    Hollow City: Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (Pgs 50 - 81)
    "Our boats slid easily through the waves, three abreast, a friendly current bearing us coastward" (Riggs 48).
    Abreast: side by side and facing the same way.
  • Dissuasive

    Hollow City
    "Perhaps I was not sufficiently dissuasive when we discussed this earlier" (Riggs 189).
    Dissuasive: Tending to dissuade, or divert form a measure or purpose; dehortatory.
  • Imperceptible

    Hollow City (Pgs 89 - 139)
    "And eventually the dark peeled back layer by layer, and with imperceptible gradations, the sky feathered to a delicate pale blue" (Riggs 11).
    Imperceptible: impossible to perceive.
  • Tantamount

    Hollow City (Pgs 166 - 191)
    "Then you'll know that attempting to breach them tantamount to suicide" (Riggs 189).
    Tantamount: equivalent in seriousness to; virtually the same as.
    "the resignations were tantamount to an admissio