Aptituide Results
When Tris is taking her aptitude test, her results come up inconclusive. This means that she is divergent. She is scared because this is very rare, and dangerous. -
The Choosing Ceremony
At the choosing ceremony, all 16 year olds in the community must choose their new faction. Their choice does not have to be what their aptitude results were. Tris leaves her Abnegation family to join Dauntless. -
First Jumper
When Tris first arrives at the Dauntless compound, a Dauntless leader, Eric, tells the initiates that they must jump off of the edge of a seven story building, into a hole, but nobody knows whats at the bottom. When Eric askes for volunteers to jump first, Tris volunteers. This is a big deal, because she is the only Abnegation transfer, and Abnegation kids never transfer to Dauntless. -
Meeting Four
During initiation, Tris meets Four, her instructor. He is two years older than her. Tris feels like she needs to prove to Four that she is not weak and hat she doesn't need to be treated any differently than the other initiates. -
Meeting Christina
When Tris first transfers to Dauntless, one of the first people that she meets is Christins. Christina is a lot taller, and tougher than Tris, so she protects her. Throughout the book, they become best friends. -
1st Place
The second stage of initiation was when the initiates had to go through simulations to see how long it took them to calm down while in a scary situation. Tris's Divergence was a great help in this stage because her times were signifigantly better than the other initiates. -
At the end of stage 3, all the initiates are injected with a "tracking serum". When Tris wakes up, all of the other initiates are expressionless, getting dressed. She soon finds out that the "tracking serum" was actually a serum to brainwash the dauntless to fight against the Abnegation. The serum does not work on Tris or Tobias because they are divergent. This is the beginning of a war. -
The real war
The war is beginning and Tris and Tobias try to stop it, but while they try to stop it, their divergence shows and they are sent to Jeanine, the ruthless, cruel, Erudite leader. She then sentences Tris to death and Tobias gets a new serum that works on divergents. -
The aftermath
During the war, Tris's parents are killed while trying to help her, and she she is forced to kill her good friend, Will. She eventually shuts down the serum and her and Tobias head to the Amity compound to find the Abnegation survivors.