Divergent poster 01

Divergent events

  • Aptitude test

    Aptitude test
    When someone turns 16, they have to take a test to determine what faction they belong in. There are 5 different factions they can fit into, Dauntless, Abnegation, Erudite, Candor, and Amity. Beatrice gets 3 factions; Abnegation, Dauntless, and Erudite. This makes her divergent, she is considered dangerous to everyone else and should be very careful who she tells.
  • Choosing Ceremony

    Choosing Ceremony
    The choosing ceremony is when the 16 years olds choose what faction they will live in for the rest of their lives. Some choose the faction they are born into and some choose different ones. Once they leave their old faction they cant be in contact with their families. Beatrice chose Dauntless and left her mom and dad behind in Abnegation. Her brother chose Erudite, and also leaves their parents.
  • Train

    To be a part of the faction they chose, they must do a set of initiation activities. If they fail any of the tests, they are left factionless, which is practically homeless. The first thing they must do to get into Dauntless is jump into and out of a moving train and onto a building.
  • The very start

    The very start
    Once they jump off the train, they have to jump off a roof and into an unknown net on the ground. Beatrice volunteers first. When they ask her what her name is, she comes up with a nickname, "Tris". A guy named Four helps her off the net. Later on, she finds out Four is her instructor.
  • initiation - fights

    initiation - fights
    As a part of the initiation, all the initiates must fight each other to get into Dauntless. The top 15 initiates will officially become members of Dauntless. After a lot of hard work and training (with fours help), Tris was in the top 5.
  • Capture the flag

    Capture the flag
    The Dauntless trainers take the initiates to play capture the flag. Four chooses Tris to be in her team. Tris decides to climb the abandoned Ferris wheel to get a better look. Four follows her to make sure she doesn't get hurt. As they are climbing, Tris learns that one of Fours big fears is heights. When they get to the top, Tris spots the other teams flag. They climb down to capture it and succeed.
  • Final initiation

    Final initiation
    For the last part of the initiation, the initiates must face their fears in a fear simulation. Because Tris is divergent, simulations don't affect her. One of her fears is getting trapped in a glass box that's filling with water. She is able to get through her fears in the shortest time possible, and she doesn't even know it. Everyone is amazed at her speed, and she is ranked in the first place.
  • Simulation

    Tris wakes up to see everyone sleepwalking out the door. She realizes they are all in a simulation and she wasn't affected by it because she is Divergent. She follows and mimicks them as they get weapons, armour, and head to the train. When the train stops, Tris and Four both recognize that they are in the Abnegation part of town. All Dauntless soldiers exit the train and kill the Abnegation, Tris and Four make a run for it. They get caught. they are taken to Jeanine.
  • Jeanine

    Jeanine is the leader of the Erudite and is accountable for the simulation. She wants to destroy the Abnegation. When she finds Four and Tris, Tris is too injured, she tries to kill her instead. Four is not injured, so Jeanine tries a different simulation that's for the Divergent, he then does whatever Jeanine wants. Jeanine then decides to put Tris in a glass box and fill it with water so she will drown. At the last second, Tris' mom bursts through the door and breaks the glass, saving Tris.
  • Safehouse

    As Tris and her mum run for shelter, a few dauntless find them. Tris' mom tells Tris to go to the safe house and that she will distract the guards. Tris then watches as her mum dies to get shot, and watches as she dies. Very shaken up, Tris runs to the safe house where her brother, dad, and other Abnegation members are hiding. Tris and her brother, father decide to go back to stop Jeanine while the others head for safety in other factions.
  • Saving four

    Saving four
    Tris and her father go to try and stop the simulation. As her father is fighting off guards, he gets shot and dies. This makes Tris even more strong-minded. She reaches the room where the controls are and sees four controlling them. He's not acting normal. He doesn't recognize Tris. Because four is in a simulation they fight and Tris decides to talk to him so he will recognize her. when four gets out of the sim they destroy the controls and flee.
  • amity

    Tris, Four and Caleb get on the train and head towards the Amity headquarters, where the others went to. They safe there because it is so far away. this is where the book ends, with both tris and four in love and abnegation torn apart.