Beatrice's First Simulation
When you reach the age of sixteen you are aloud to decide what Faction you want to be apart of. You can stay with the Faction you were born in or you can chose a different Faction and never see your family and friends again, The Simulation helps you move in the direction you should go, you don't have to listen to it and you can chose a completely different Faction. Beatrice's test results came back DIVERGENT and that is very dangerous, deadly and only a few people get this test result back. -
The Choosing Ceremony
The Choosing Ceremony is when all the sixteen years old decide what Faction they want to be in. Beatrice chooses to leave her home Faction (Abnegation, the selfless) and decides to go to the Dauntless (the brave). -
The people who chose another Faction are calles Initiates and they have to go through Initiation to finally become a memeber of that Faction. If you fail Initiation you become Factionless (like today's homeless). Beatrice goes through three stages of Initiaion the first is fitness and this is where "Tris" is born (Beatrice's Dauntless Identity). -
Capture the Flag
Capture the Falg is a Dauntless tradition where the Initiates learn teamwork. Tris shows her Dautless side and climbs a Ferris Wheel to find where the other team is and she wons the game for her team. -
Knife to the Ear
One part of the fitness stage is to learn how to throw a knife. Tris's friend Al wasn;t doing well and he was the only one who didn't hit the target and Eric (the Initiate leader) makes him stand in front of a target and makes Four (the Trainer) throw knives at him. Tris's Abnegation shows through and she stands up to Eric then he makes her take Al's place. Four knicked her ear to show her that if she failed someone else would have to take her place. -
Uriah and the Dauntless
Tris makes soe Dauntless friends and they take her to go zip lining off an abandon building in the city (Chicago). -
Al's Betrayal
A few other initiates are threated by Tris because she was second in the second stage of Initiation. They attacked her and tryies to either scare her or kill her (it was never specified in the book) and one of the initiates was Al even though Tris was his friend and she helped him through a lot. Al later committed suicide because he felt really guilty. -
Fear Landscape
The final stae of Initiation and it's another Simulation and you have to face your greatest fear. Tris only has seven fears and that is unheard of, normally people have sixteen to twenty fears. The lowest amount of fears someone has had was four fears, and then Tris was to second lowest. Tris ranks first in her Initiation class and becomes a Dauntless. -
The Final Act
Every single Dauntless memebe has been hijacked by a chip that allows the government to control their whole bodies. Tris and Four were not affected by the serum though. The Dauntless were programed to kill the Abnegation leaders. During this Tris finds out her mom was Dauntless and she also has to kill her friend Will or else she would be killed.