disrution timeline

  • Covid 19

    Covid 19
    In 2020 we all know that the worldwide virus took over the world. many people became aware by this by social media. we became aware of what it was, how to take care of ourselves and eventually where to get vaccinated. Social media allowed the world to stay informed of the deadly virus and also provided entertainment for the lockdown when it first started.
  • #blacklivesmatter

    The black lives matter movement grew immensely after the death of george floyd. His death created a huge social media movement that demanded a change in our society. Social media allowed the message to spread all over the world impacting many. This went as far as creating marches of thousands of people demanding a change and supporting the black community. Because of this more people are better informed and we are able to better defend and protect the black community for racial injustice.
  • Presidential election

    Presidential election
    In 2020 the presidential election was heavily influenced by social media. Because of social media we were able to share our political opinions and influence others to do the same. I was personally influenced by the voting campaign going on in social media. People were encouraged to vote to create change and let their voice be heard, I think this use of social media made more people vote, especially minorities such as the latino community and the african american community.
  • Uvalde school shooting

    Uvalde school shooting
    At Uvalde, thanks to social media we were able to see footage of the police officers inside the building doing nothing for an hour. This definitely created lots of awareness and a call to change gun laws in the us. Social media is in the constant debate of gun laws, whether they should have restrictions or not. This has definitely created awareness for gun violence and we are finally starting to see some changes in these laws.
  • Roe VS Wade

    Roe VS Wade
    With the recent decision of Roe vs Wade many people used social media as a way to let their voices be heard and to even organize protests. Thousands of people protested for their basic human rights and they still continue to fight to be able to have safe abortions. Social media gave women a chance to let their voices be heard and let congress know that women deserve basic human rights.