Disruptions in the past 5 years.

  • Nuclear War Overtakes Social Media

    Nuclear War Overtakes Social Media
    Conflict with North Korea and NATO worsens as North Korea gets closer to developing nuclear warfare that could reach countries like the United States and Australia. Social media platforms such as Twitter explodes with tweets such as "Nuclear War," "World War III," "North Korea Threat," and more. North Korea banned accounts such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram which left their citizens in the dark of what was happening and has sparked protests across the globe.
  • March For Our Lives

    March For Our Lives
    March for our lives was a worldwide protest to fight against gun violence. After the high amount of school shootings, people started protesting to put an end to gun violence. Social media was used to spread awareness across the world. The hashtag on twitter #MarchForOurLives exploded being used over 4 million time in one day. The movement had children walking out of their schools across the world, protesting online, and protesting state and federal facilities.
  • Iran Protest

    Iran Protest
    Huge Protests in Iran arise for the outrage of gas prices being raised by 50%, government corruption, oppression of the public, and poverty levels. Social media was banned due to the amount of people voicing their outrage online. Hashtags such as #Iranuprise, #Iranprotest, and #IranChangeRegime flooded social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. These post raised awareness and caused protests and anger from people around the world.
  • George Floyd

    George Floyd
    Video of a man named George Floyd being pinned to the ground by an officer flooded the media. The officer, named Derek Chauving, had his knee pinned into George Floyds neck. This caused outrage across social media platforms sparking movement such as #BlackLivesMattter and #BlueLivesMatter movements. The hashtags were used over 4 million times in a span of a month--sparking massive protest across the United States. State capitals and high populated cities were on lockdown due to the riots.
  • Biden Administration Pulling Out Of Afghanistan

    Biden Administration Pulling Out Of Afghanistan
    Biden administration hastily pulled all our troops out of Afghanistan leaving billions of dollars of equipment, sensitive information, and our allies and innocent citizens to fend for themselves. Social Media platform spark outrage with video of citizens storming air bases and getting on wings of planes to flee the country. Hashtags on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook were used such as #whereisbiden and #WorldWarZ. The social media post has led to a downfall of Biden's poll ratings.
  • Social Medias Massive Role in Ukraine and Russian War

    Social Medias Massive Role in Ukraine and Russian War
    Social media has played a bigger role in this war compared to any other in history. Social media plays an instant part in allowing viewers to experience real combat with uploads from cellphones. We can see clear pictures and videos of the war that would not necessarily make news sources. This can cause a shift in media coverage considering real people can upload anything for the world to see. This raises many concerns about misinformation reaching the public.