
  • Umbrella Movment

    Umbrella Movment
    Predecessor to the current hong Kong riots. Facebook was the primary media used by students and other protestors to communicate. It also allowed for the sharing of news articles that highlighted the peaceful nature of the protests.
  • Standing Rock

    Standing Rock
    Facebook and twitter were used to share the message of standing rock. Facebook was used as people "checked in" at Standing rock to show support. The trending hashtags used on twitter in associated with the protest gave news coverage and helped the information spread.
  • Womens March

    Womens March
    Held the day after the inauguration to protest the election of Donald Trump. Instagram, twitter, and facebook were all used to organize and spread awareness. The popularity and striking images that were shared led to several more women's marches in following years.
  • Climate March

    Climate March
    The climate march was lead and figure headed by Greta Thunberg. He primary tool is twitter where her simple messages can be dispersed more easily. Twitter allows for the organization to happen rapidly and easily through the hashtags she uses.
  • Hong Kong

    Hong Kong
    Telegram and LIHKG are the main social media being used by the protesters to share information and planning. It is difficult for the protestors to organize because of the censorship so using anonymous accounts is helpful in keeping people safe.