Disruption Timeline

By Redfury
  • Me Too movement

    Me Too movement
    The movement started in 2006 but in 2018 movement took notice on social media when actresses and new anchors start informing about sexual harassment in the workplace. Social Media - People would post stories of sexual abuse or harassment with the hashtag #Metoo. - all social media sites
  • Vote 2020 elections

    Vote 2020 elections
    In the election of 2020 on social media, people started posting stories of them going to vote and telling people to vote. Social media used hashtag #vote #Ivoted
  • Black lives Matter movement

    Black lives Matter movement
    Black Live Matter started in early 2014, But it got the most attention on May 25 2020 after the Murder of George Floyd. Social media post about the protest all over the world with the hashtag #BLM #BLACKLIVEMATTERS #Georgefloyed and many others. All social media sites
  • Covid-19 Vaccine

    Covid-19 Vaccine
    Covid vaccine movement that happening at this time with the vaccine for people to get the shot. social media people post images of the vaccine shots or post with the hashtag #vaccine #covid #covidvaccine - Facebook and Instagram and Twitter. .
  • #LGBTQRights Movement

    #LGBTQRights Movement
    A movement that started in the early 1970 and that has changed over the years that is happening even now. social media - people post hashtags of the movement all the time for fights for equal rights. #LGBTQRights Movement #LGBTQ #Equality. - most social media sites