ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
This challenge started in 2014 but continued for months, into 2015. This challenge started when pro golfer Chris Kennedy challenged a family member to either drop a bucket of ice water on her head or to make a donation to a charity for ALS. Soon this went viral, and the ALS ice bucket challenge began. Individuals would post on Instagram or Facebook a video of them pouring a bucket of ice water on their head and challenging others to do the same, raising millions of dollars for ALS charities. -
Women's March
After President Trump was elected president, a women named Teresa Shook created a Facebook event inviting 40 of her friends as an idea of organizing a march for women's rights. The next day, thousands of people had RSVP and invited more people. Facebook started a movement in women protesting for their rights, and in the end, over 3 million people marched for this purpose. Individuals took to social media with the hashtag, #whyImarch, to share their support behind the movement. -
Colin Kaepernick
Colin Kaepernick, former NFL player, became the face of a new civil rights movement by kneeling during the national anthem advocating a change to the oppression black and colored people receive in the U.S. This act obviously brought much controversial conversations to social media. Millions of individuals used Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, with hashtags like #idontagree or #protest or #nationalanthemrespect , to express their opinion on the matter. -
Child Sex Trafficking
In the latest week, Social Media has started a movement to bring awareness of the horrendous numbers of Sex Trafficking occurring in the world, especially to children. Influencer's, and just normal individuals are using all platforms of social media, Instagram, Tik Tok, Facebook, Twitter, etc. to bring attention to this devastating issue. Stories are being shared, along with statistics, to make an impact. -
Black Lives Matter (#BLM)
Black Lives Matter is a social movement that advocates in protest against police brutality and all racial motivated violence towards African- American people. This movement rose through the #BLM hashtag throughout several social media platforms. Protests began all over the United States, and even other countries.