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Disruption Timeline

  • Same-Sex Marriage Legalization - Twitter

    Same-Sex Marriage Legalization - Twitter
    Just over five years ago, same-sex marriage was legalized in the United States. The U.S. Supreme Court struck down all state bans on the matter and allowed legalization in all 50 states. The primary form of social media used during this time was Twitter. It was trending for days leading up to the decision and days after the decision by the Supreme Court. The tactics used during this was hashtags and keywords on Twitter.
  • President Trump Pointing Out Fake News Media - Twitter & Facebook

    President Trump Pointing Out Fake News Media - Twitter & Facebook
    A little over one year in office, President Donald Trump began accusing the media of putting out fake news. He really coined the now common phrase "fake news media" and has continuously singled out specific media outlets since then as fake news. The primary forms of social media used by Trump and others who agreed or disagreed, is Twitter and Facebook. Numerous times since 2017 the phrase fake news has trended and that is due to hashtags, keywords and heated news topics.
  • Social and Racial Injustices - Twitter, Facebook & Instagram

    Social and Racial Injustices - Twitter, Facebook & Instagram
    Though Social Injustices have been around since slavery was abolished, they weren't really filmed or put on public notice right away. With Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, you can now see anything and everything that has to do with social and racial injustices. Everything is being seen and filmed now, and causes disruption left and right on those three major social platforms. I would pinpoint 2018 as the year more was being posted and filmed, but the last two months could suffice on its own too.
  • Child Sex Trafficking - Instagram & Facebook

    Child Sex Trafficking - Instagram & Facebook
    Child Sex Trafficking has been around far too long but has recently blown up all over social media, Instagram and Facebook mostly. With furniture and celebrities being linked as recent as a week ago, more light has been brought to this problem and disruption. It's been gaining more traction over the last couple years but has really blown up since 2019. Instagram and Facebook have been great for organizations fighting this disruption to get out info and educate the nation.
  • TikTok Dispute Between the U.S. and China - TikTok & Others

    TikTok Dispute Between the U.S. and China - TikTok & Others
    The ongoing trade war between China and the U.S. has been intensified over the last couple months due to, TikTok? Yes, according to info from the U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo China has been storing user data from the app they created, TikTok. This has blown up all over Twitter, Instagram and Facebook to name a few during this short time span. It has been trending for obvious reasons and has caused not only a type of disruption on social platforms, but between two nations even more so.