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Disruption Timeline

  • #BlackLivesMatter

    In 2013, the movement began with the use of the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter on social media after the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of African-American teen Trayvon Martin in February 2012. BlackLivesMatter has been present on all social media. But Twitter and Instagram had the most involvement. Social Media was used to spread the word of "Police Brutality: and racism that exists in the United States.
  • #AllLivesMatter

    Republicans have been stronger proponents in general of All Lives Matter and harsher critics of the Black Lives Matter movement in general. AllLivesMatter has been present on all social media. But Twitter and Instagram had the most involvement. Social Media was used to spread the word of All Lives matter to push back on all lives matter. All lives matter saw the success of Black Lives Matter and pushed back.
  • #BringBackOurGirls

    On the night of 14–15 April 2014, 276 female students were kidnapped from the Government Secondary School in the town of Chibok in Borno State, Nigeria. BringBackOurGirls has the most interaction with Twitter. Social Media was used to spread the word of kidnappings that were happening in Nigeria. The more people that donated to the #BringBackOurGirls helped the cause. That's why it was spread on social media.
  • #ASLIceBucketChallenge

    The origin of the Ice Bucket Challenge stems from other cold water challenges. In late June of 2014, the hosts of Morning Drive on the Golf Channel performed a live on-air challenge and changed the focus to ALS. ASLIceBucketChallenge has been present on all social media. Social Media was used to spread the word of ALS and what it was. Videos were filmed and uploaded to social media to spread the word of ALS.
  • #MeToo

    The movement began to spread virally in October 2017 as a hashtag on social media in an attempt to demonstrate the widespread prevalence of sexual assault and harassment. MeToo has been huge on ALL social media and National News stations. MeTOO used social media to inform the whole world that they have been a victim of sexual misconduct or rape. Sharing this news with the world made everyone realize that society needs to respect women more.