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Disruption Timeline

By jdisney
  • Iranian Protests

    Iranian Protests
    Key platforms: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Telegram. Social media was used to send messages, share videos and news updates about the protests.
  • Black Lives Matter Protests

    Black Lives Matter Protests
    Key platforms: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter Hashtags were a big part of the movement. It allowed people to find information easily regarding the movement. It was used to educate people about the deaths due to police brutality.
  • Hong Kong Democracy Protests

    Hong Kong Democracy Protests
    Key platforms: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The platforms were used to spread the message not only to those affected but to people from around the world.
  • Donald Trump Protests

    Donald Trump Protests
    Key platforms: Twitter and Facebook Since Trump announced that he was running people took to social media to voice their opinions on the matter. Social media was then used to coordinate protests immediately following his election. It is still used today to protest the actions that he is taking in office.
  • Time's Up Protests

    Time's Up Protests
    Key platforms: Twitter and Facebook The social media campaign allowed women to share their stories regarding sexual assault and harassment. The movement took over a few awards shows, like the Golden Globes.