Disruption Timeline

  • OscarsSoWhite movement

    OscarsSoWhite movement
    In 2015, April Reign noticed a lack of diversity by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, during their award ceremonies. Twitter was the primary resource. Tactics were as reaching out via social media to the Academy directly to demand response or resolution.
  • Take A Knee Movement

    Take A Knee Movement
    In 2016, Colin Kaepernick took a knee during a National Football League game when playing the National Anthem. This was to protest against police brutality against black Americans. Tactics were using photos and videos placed on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Then went bigger where companies like Nike launched ads with Kaepernick all over mainstream media.
  • Share Your Ears Movement

    Share Your Ears Movement
    In 2017, Disney and Make A Wish foundation got together and requested via Twitter to have anyone share a picture with their Mickey Mouse Ears on and they would post it to Twitter and share the hashtag Shareyourears every post Disney would donate $5 to Make a Wish foundation. Overall they donated $2 million to the foundation.
  • Never Again Movement

    Never Again Movement
    In 2018, a American Studen led a political action by using social media and hashtags to advocate for tighter regulations in order to prevent gun violence. Mainly after the Feb 2019 shooting in Parkland, FL from a former 19 year old student that killed 17 others. They used social media and physical forms of protest like marches in major cities to bring awareness
  • Vaccines Kills Movement

    Vaccines Kills Movement
    In and around 2019, another person created a social media hashtag to combat vaccination. This movement was very disruptive because the media sources like Facebook and Instagram claimed it was bringing on false and misleading information with the posting and caused them to crack down on deleting posts that were untrue.