Disruption Timeline

By alyssa2
  • Harambe

    Harambe was a 17-year-old gorilla who got shot after grabbing a three-year-old boy who climbed into his enclosure. This story was shared across Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram because people felt that Harambe should not have been murder. This caused many people to want to fight for animal rights which made many people create petitions for people to sign.
  • Me Too Movement

    Me Too Movement
    After Harvey Weinstein was accused of sexual abuse, many women felt confident enough to share their stories of abuse. The hashtag me too was created and shared on every social media platform by survivors of abuse. The movement helped create stricter policies that were used in the workplace and held more men accountable for their actions
  • Plastic Straws

    Plastic Straws
    After a video of a turtle getting a plastic straw removed from its nostril, people felt inspired to stop using plastic straws. This video was shared on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Snapchat. This movement caused people to purchase reusable metal straws and companies like Starbuck to create lids that don't need straws.
  • #OscarsSoWhite

    After the list of the nominees for the Oscars was released, many people were upset about the lack of representation for people of color. This hashtag was used on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. People were so upset that they began to boycott the Oscars in order to show that there needs to be change.
  • Black Lives Matter

    Black Lives Matter
    After George Floyd was murdered, the 2015 movement was sparked again. The message was shared on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. The hashtag blackout Tuesday was shared as a way for people to show their support for the movement. Social media was also used as a way for people to spread world about the protests that would be taking place.