Disruption Timeline

  • #BringBackOurGirls

    This hashtag disruption arose in response to 276 female students that were kidnapped by Boko Haram, an extremist terrorist organization, hoping to bring the girls back. They used Twitter and Celebrities as the main movement.
  • #JeSuisCharlie

    Started in response to 12 journalists at the office of weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo, those who sought to support freedom of speech and resistance to armed threats sent this hashtag. Main sites used were Twitter, Cartoonists, Music, Street art and Television.
  • #SayHerName

    This hashtag was used to raise awareness for black female victims of police brutality and anti-black violence and to re-integrate black women's experiences into mainstream media. It was used on Twitter, Blogs, Academics and by many celebrities.
  • #NoBanNoWall

    As protests against Executive Order 13769 increased across the United States, this hashtag helped to unite protesters and organize protests. This was mainly used on Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr and Facebook.
  • #MarchForOurLives, #EnoughisEnough

    #MarchForOurLives, #EnoughisEnough
    Student-led demonstrations in support of legislation to prevent gun violence in the United States were supported by these hashtags. Especially on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and used by celebrities.