Egyptian Revolution
In December of 2010 social media protests called for a positive social change. Protesters used sites like Twitter, YouTube and Facebook to speak out against oppression and to inspire hope for a better and more democratic future. Aside from using their online they also used social media as an organizing tool. Facebook helped organize protests and activities inside the country, twitter was used to get the message out to the world, and Youtube amplified what was happening on the ground. -
Paris Attacks
137 dead in Paris, 7 of which were ISIS suicide bombers. Hashtag's played a huge part. The tag #rechercheParis was a way for residents to find their loved ones. #porteOuverte means “open door”, and allowed Parisians to show their support for those living in areas affected by the attacks and to help those who were prevented from returning to their homes. -
Immigration Ban
In a matter of hours after Trump announced the immigration ban thousands rushed to national airports to protest and social media blew up. Social media made it easy to organize groups to go to various airports and to get the word out. I personally noticed many videos on Facebook and Twitter of hardworking families that were being forced to leave. Those videos appealed to our pathos. Even those who were unable to participate were effected by the many photos streaming across social media. -
Putin Memes
In order to bring attention to Russia's Anti-Gay laws protesters began photoshoping Putin in Drag, it is a way to bring attention to a national issue and find ways to support each other. Through remix culture those photos blew up online and turned into crazier photos and memes. Still bringing attention to the issue at hand. This once national issue was now know globally and those protesters voices where not only being her but echoed. -
Las Vegas Shooting
A mass shooting as a Las Vegas music festival killed 58 people and injured hundreds. Social media was used as a way for people to mark that they were "safe" on Facebook, letting their loved ones know their whereabouts. Social media also helped guide those in need to food banks and encouraged others to donate blood to help the victims.