The below link gives a lot of valuable information on what Kony2012 was really all about. The short film came out in March of 2012 which started everything on social media with the hashtag of #Kony2012 on Facebook and Twitter. -
The link below explains what Kony2012 was all about. It started in March 2012 when a short film about what was happening in Africa came out. It started a campaign to help the situation with the hashtag of #Kony2012. https://invisiblechildren.com/kony-2012/ -
Make America Great Again
Trump started using MAGA formally in November of 2012. Just a few days after formally using the slogan, he signed an application to gain the rights and trademark it for use in his 2016 Presidential Campaign where it took off across all social media platforms from his supporters. The hashtag #MAGA is still used today -
Black Lives Matter
The Black Lives Matter started in July 2013 when an unarmed, young, black Florida man was shot and killed by a White Hispanic security guard. Since then the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter has been used across all social media platforms to protest against police brutality. It is still one of the biggest social movements happening today. The below link is to the about page on the blacklivesmatter webpage.
https://blacklivesmatter.com/about/ -
Love Wins - Gay Rights Movement
In June of 2015, the supreme court ruled in favor of marriage equality. This made same-sex marriage legal in all 50 states. This has been something millions of Americans had been striving for decades. Today we are still striving for equality throughout the LBGTQ+ community. The hashtag #lovewins was used throughout all social media platforms of people showing their support in the movement.
http://series.hashtagsunplugged.com/lovewins -
Me Too
The Me Too movement appeared on mainstream social media back in October of 2017 when Alyssa Milano came out with allegations about sexual harassment and assault against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein. The hashtag #MeToo exploded and used by women and man coming clean about their abusers and experiences. The MeToo movement is still in place today and is used across all social media platforms most recently about Judge Kavanaugh and Dr. Ford