Green Revolution in Iran
After news that Iran's elections were rigged, protesters took to the street and events began being coordinated on Twitter and Facebook. What really set the revolution off though was the death of Neda Soltan that added fuel to the fire. Her death was recorded and put on Youtube for the world to see. -
Revolution in Egypt
After the death of Khaled Said, revolutionary fires were accelerated in Egypt. Facebook and Twitter were key in organizing groups with hashtags like "#jan25" to help people know when the next protest was taking place. Facebook groups like "We are all Khaled Said" helped organize people with similar ideals into one central location to share ideas and gain information. -
Revolution in Libya
The revolution in Libya took many cues from the Egyptian revolution in using Twitter and Facebook to organize protests and keep people informed. Events like the "Day of Rage" were planned on Twitter and accounts of abuse and violence were also recorded on Twitter. -
Disruption in Ukraine
In 2014, Russia annexed Crimea and installed a Pro-Russian government. Citizens took to the street and stormed the capital, setting up a camp in front of the capital building. The use of Facebook's interactive maps has helped the people in these camps show what supplies they need while they continue to fight for their independence from Russia. -
Disruption in Venezuela
The Venezuelan government has censored the airwaves on television and radio to exclude the protests and injustice going on in Venezuela so the citizens there have turned to social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat to show what is really happening.