Disruption Timeline

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    Covid-19 Misinformation

    The Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 gave grounds for many conspiracy theorists and misinformed people to spread misinformation regarding the sickness. Any information, true or not, has been spread since it's start in March of 2020. This information is still being spread today. The main platforms it was discussed on were Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, and Instagram.
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    Black Lives Matter Movement

    The Black Lives Matter movement surged in 2020 after the horrific murder of George Floyd. The movement's messages were most prominent on platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. It's peak was from May 2020 through September 2020, but it's effects are still being felt today as people continue to fight for the lives of black people.
  • #StopAsianHate Movement

    #StopAsianHate Movement
    The #StopAsianHate movement was started in early 2021 and was dedicated to stopping any harmful messaging, rhetoric, violence, or other negative bias towards Asian individuals. It's peak activity was from February 2021 to May 2021, although it's effects and messaging are still being heard and felt today. The main platform it was on were Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.
  • #FreeBritney

    The #FreeBritney movement was sparked after fans suspected she was being overly controlled and manipulated in her conservatorship. People took to platforms such as Twitter and Instagram to post their alliance and support of her. It's main activity was in 2021, but the messaging it brought about conservatorships is still being spread today.
  • Roe V. Wade Overturn

    Roe V. Wade Overturn
    The Roe V. Wade overturn sparked intense conversation across social media, and inspired many to make posts about how men shouldn't be making rules about women's bodies. Twitter was the main platform for this and had trending hashtags like #RoeVWade and #BansOffOurBodies and #AbortionRightsAreHumanRights. It was most prominent in June of 2022.