Disruption Timeline

  • #IceBucketChallenge

    IceBucketChallenge when viral in 2014 to bring awareness and raise money for ALS. People would dump buckets of ice on themselves or others and post it mostly on Facebook with #IceBucketChallenge. They would then tag people who would have to complete the challenge in 24 hours.
  • #MeToo

    The #MeToo hashtag and following movement went viral in
    September of 2017 in response to accusations of sexual abuse against Harvey Weinstein. The Hashtag was then used to by many other people, including celebrities to share stories of sexual abuse on social media. The main platform used was Twitter, but it also went viral on Instagram.
  • #Covfefe

    In May of 2017 President Trump tweeted a tweet that included the word "covfefe" which was speculated to be a misspelling of coverage. The tweet was deleted a few hours later but #covfefe went viral on twitter and became a meme. Sean Spicer and Trump both stuck to the spelling.
  • #NeverAgain

    The #NeverAgain was trending in response to the shooting at Parkland High School where an intruder used an AR-15 to kill 17 students. The students and other young people began to protest and stand up for gun control which included a nationwide protest called March For Our Lives.
  • #HongKongProtest

    This hashtag was trending on Facebook and Twitter. The hashtag is referring to the protests happening in Hong Kong right now triggered by a bill that would allow mainland China, as well as other countries to extradite wanted criminals. The protest are also fueled by the desire of Hong Kong to stay independent of Mainland China.