Disruption Timeline

  • Me Too Movement

    Me Too Movement
    Forms of social media used: twitter
    Tactics to use social media: using the hashtag #metoo to draw attention and awareness.
  • Climate Change

    Climate Change
    form of social media: instagram, twitter, facebook
    tactics: humans communicate, including spreading knowledge about the danger of climate change. With the growing number of climate movements and actions, the messages could create more awareness and reach the policymakers.
  • Covid-19

    forms of social media: all platforms have been used
    tactics: social media were among the leading sources of reliable information for updates on the coronavirus at the start of the pandemic in early 2020.
  • Defund Police

    Defund Police
    forms of social media: used all forms of social media, but started with instagram and facebook
    tactics: used a phrase or a slogan on social media platforms to get peoples attention.
  • Black Lives Matter

    Black Lives Matter
    media platforms used: all platforms
    tactics: using a hashtag and then blacking out screens for a day to show unity.