Arab Spring
Social Media was used to help drive political change in North Africa and part of or the Middle East. Through social media, protesters were able to communicate and plan on how and where they were going to protest. They were also able to capture what was happening and post it online to social media for the world to see. The Arab Spring lead to many country leaders and dictators either stepping down from office or being forcefully removed. -
Kony 2012
This was a social media-driven event to try and bring awareness to the "Invisible Children" of sub-Sahara Africa. The war lord Kony was said to be resposible for children joining the Lords Resistance Army. A video was released and circulated around social media about a "Cover the Night" even where people were to place posters all around. It was completely social media driven through Facebook and Twitter. It was a one time thing as I have not heard the name Kony mentioned once since 2012. -
Black Lives Matter
The Black Lives Matter Movement is an activist movement that campaigns against violence and injustice to African-Americans. It began in early 2013 when a man in Florida was not convicted of killing a young African-American teenager. It later picked up steam in that year and into 2014 when a white police officer shot and killed a young African-American man and was found to be innocent. Through social media, the group organizes protests and shares stories of what they deem to be an injustice. -
Net Neutrality
Net Neutrality has been the biggest social media disruption as of late since it has been struck down. It was a huge social media disruption since it was ultimately affected by social media and how it would function in the future. Millions of people took the social media to share their disdain for net neutrality dying, and sharing their posts and tweets about it. It was the hottest topic on social media for a few days. -
March For Our Lives
The March For Our Lives movement was started after multiple school shootings happened. High school students from around the country all planned through social media by using Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to plan a nation-wide school walkout to protest firearms. The organizers would communicate and plan through social media and give instructions on where, when, and how it was going to happen. Thousands of high school students participated in the protest.