Arab Spring
The Arab Spring is a protest of violent as well as non-violent protests and riots due to a power struggle in countries in Africa and the Middle East. Social media was used to have protestors interact together. It also created groups where everyone could post. Facebook was huge for this because the government could communicate with them as well. -
Occupy Wall street
Occupy Wall street was a movement started in New York City in a park near Wall Street. Its main protests were social and financial inequality. Facebook pages and twitter hashtags were used to rapidly grow the movement. They used social media to try and enact change -
2012 Presidential Campaign
Former President Barrack Obama was the first president to effectively use social media as a campaign tactic. He saw the opportunity in 2012 to use social media. He knew that was what it would take him to win. He received nearly about 2x the amount of likes on any given post than his opposer Mitt Romney and nearly 20x the retweets on any given tweet during election season. Obama targeted engagement and targeted posts to the voters he wanted to sway. -
Womens March
The womens march was a global event to promote womens rights and legislations to protect those rights. They also protested other issues such as immigration, LGBTQ rights, racial inequality, etc. The event was first created as a facebook event and it was from there brought to life and turned into a global march/rally. From there, people were using social media as a platform to speak about things. Social media brought it to life. -
The #MeToo movement was started on social media in protest to Harvey Weinsten for his sexual misconduct. The movement was made popular by Alyssa Milano. It encouraged women to speak out about sexual assult and show how many females had been assulted. That movement took social media by storm. It all started with a hashtag on twitter and moved to all social media forms.