
  • Tunisian Protests

    Protest are recorded and uploaded to Youtube. Twitter and Facebook are used to organize and fuel protesting as well as violent attacks.
  • Trump Election edgily hacked using Facebook

    Allegations have been made that Russia used Facebook to disrupt news and media concerning trump and his competition.
  • Loyalty to Islamic State leader pledged via Facebook

    San Bernardino couple murdered 14 people at a holiday party. Police uncovered social media distributed PDF files and propaganda from ISIS.
  • Venezuela Marches

    Protesters of guard troops for socialist president Manduro. Opposition party tweeted videos and was on Facebook
  • Spain: Political arrest on twitter

    Political opposition by Spain's main Senate unsure how to resolve election and how they should be organized protests began on Saturday and Inigo Urkullu leader of Basque region tweeted that they would "dynamite the bridges" of dialogue and take extreme separates measures.