
Disque Timeline

  • british lit

    William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge publicly 'Tintern Abbey' and 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner' anonymously in Book Lyrical Ballards.
  • Union

    Act of union passed, creating United Kingdom of Great Britian and Ireland.
  • Events in the World

    U.S President Jefferson buys Louisiana Territory from France.
  • British slave

    British slave trade abolished
  • Events in the

    The U.S abolishes the slave trade.
  • Britian

    Britian fights United States in war of 1812
  • John Keats

    -July 1820, John Keats publishes his third volume of poetry. This is believed to be his most popular work. These poems deal with mythical and legendary themes.
  • Percy Bysshe Shelley

    • August 1820, Percy Bysshe Shelley publishes Prometheus unbound. This is based on Aeschylus’ plays about the Greek mythological figure Prometheus. The four-act lyrical drama, which wasn’t meant to be performed on stage, deals with Prometheus release.
  • British lit

    Percy Bysshe Shelly, age 29, drowns off coast of Italy
  • Ludwig Wan Beethoven

    February 1824, Ludwig Wan Beethoven completes his Ninth Symphony. This symphony is viewed as his masterpiece because it has intense and intellectual depth.
  • Events in the world

    Greece wins full independence from Ottoman Turks.
  • George IV

    George IV dies; neigh of Brother, William IV begins (to 1837)
  • Alexander Pushkin

    1831, Alexander Pushkin publishes his play called Boris Godunoc, that is written in blank verse. Russian censors did not approve it to be on the stage until 1866.
  • Edgar Allen Poe

    -1845, Edgar Allen Poe publishes The Raven and Other Poems. Poe is viewed as the creator of modern short story and horror/detective fiction. Poe is one of the first American writers to become a major figure in the literature world.
  • Emily Bronte

    • December 1847,Emily Bronte publishes Wuthering Heights. She had written under the pseudonym Ellis Bell. This novel has traits of Gothic romance and features Romantic theme.