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Discography of a Few Different Bands

  • Roman Candle by Elliott Smith

    Roman Candle by Elliott Smith
    Roman Candle is the debut studio album by American singer-songwriter Elliott Smith. It was released on July 14, 1994, through record label Cavity Search.
    1. "Roman Candle" 3:37
    2. "Condor Ave" 3:34
    3. "No Name #1" (Elliott Smith," 3:03
    4. "No Name #2" 3:34
    5. "No Name #3" 3:13
    6. "Drive All Over Town" 2:36
    7. "No Name #4" 2:30
    8. "Last Call" 4:38
    9. "Kiwi Maddog 20/20"
  • On Avery Island by Neutral Milk Hotel

  • Either/Or by Elliott Smith

  • Cherry Peel by of Montreal

  • The Bedside Drama: A Petite Tragedy by of Montreal

  • In The Aeroplane Over the Ssea

  • Something About Airplanes by Death Cab for Cutie

  • This is a Pinback CD by Pinback

  • We Have the Facts and We're Voting Yes by Death Cab for Cutie

  • Major Organ and the Adding Machine's self titeld album

  • The Photo Album by Death Cab for Cutie

  • Blue Screen Life by Pinback

  • Castaways and Cutouts by The Decemberists

  • Aldhils Aboretum by of Montreal

  • Her Majesty the Decemberists by The Decemberists

  • Transatlanticism by Death Cab for Cutie

  • Picaresque by The Decemberists

  • The Dust of Retreat by Margot & The Nuclear So and So's

  • The Crane Wife

  • Small Steps, Heavy Hooves by Dear and the Headlights

  • Love It Love It by Nana Grizol

  • Starfucker by Starfucker

  • Drunk Like Bible Times by Dear and the Headlights

  • Not Animal by Margot & The Nuclear So and So's

  • Animal! by Margot & The Nuclear So and So's

  • The Hazards of Love by The Decemberists

  • Jupiter (EP) by Starfucker

  • Ruth by Nana Grizol

  • Buzzard by Margot & The Nuclear So and So's

  • The King is Dead by The Decemberists

  • Reptilians by Starfucker

  • Rot Gut, Domestic by Margot & The Nuclear So and So's