Diplomatic milestones of the Cold War

By Rizi
  • Truman doctrine

    expresses the American (and Western) policy of the intention of stopping the spread of communism (as a communist takover in a country can quickly 'infect' the neighbouring countries as well)
  • NATO

    The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation is an institution created by Western countries in order to support each other on the basis of military
  • Warsaw Pact

    The military institution of the Eastern Block aiming to support one another. It was led and controlled by the USSR.
  • Conference in Bandung

    With the assistance of former colonies and Yugoslavia a 'third block' seems to emerge, which favours a peaceful co-existance and refuses to join any military cooperations in connection with either one of the superpowers.
  • 20th Congress of the Communist Party

    After the death of Stalin, the former leader's sins have been made public and the process of de-Stalinisation began, several labour camps have been closed and the improvement of living standards began in the Soviet Block.
  • The solution of the Cuban Missile Crisis

    The crisis that almost led to a third world war has been avoided by an agreement between the two superpowers: the USSR withdrew the missiles from Cuba and the USA did the same in Turkey, besides, the independence of Cuba has been granted. This was the point when the superpoers realised that a nuclear war would not only mean the destruction of the opposite party but their own as well.
  • SALT I.

    Strategic Arms Limitation Talks refer to diplomatic meetings of the Soviet and American leaders discussing the topic of arms race resulting in the arm control. (Meaning the reduction in the number of nuclear weapons on both sides.)
  • Helsinki Accords

    A document signed by almost all European countries and Western powers to improve the process of 'détente' between the two superpowers, agreeing on the peaceful settlements of disputes, non-intervention in internal affaires and the acknowledgement of human rights.
  • SALT II.

  • Strategic Defense Initiative

    Also known as the 'Star Wars Plan' introduced by American president Reagen, with the intention of defending the country from missiles. Due to this act the USSR could not keep up with the arms race anymore (and eventually lost the Cold War).
  • Summit in Malta

    Bush and Gorbachev declared the end of the Cold War.