Period: to
john wilson
Jack bought a ticket to Saskatchewan
war was declared
jack joins the mounties
Jack goes to work in Blaine Lake
-starts 1915
-meets Jessie
-lying starts
-gets sick
-works as a mounty -
32,000 ill trained soldiers left for England
jack gets TB
-sick for whole year
-Pattersons look after him
-almost dies
-starts liking Jessie Patterson
-Gets laid off from being a mounty -
boats crashed in Halifax
Jack proposes to Jessie
-Proposes while sick
-makes it a goal to keep her happy
-stops writting to Polly
-starts the story
-causes lying to get worse -
RNWMP calls for 500 men in 1918
Jessie receive a fake letter from Jacks sister
Polly gets on a boat to Canada April 4, 1918
Polly arrives in Regina
Javk volunteers for a over sea calory but is rejected
Polly gets ahold of Jack
Jack goes to Blaine Lake to see Jessie
Jack gets back to Regina
Jack has take Jessie shooting
Jack Wilson moves to Sakatoon
Jack writes to Polly about moving to Saskatoon September 22,1918
Polly murdered
-Jack wants her dead
-Takes Polly Shooting
-Kills Polly
-Burries her under the culvert
-says he crashed his car -
Jack and Jessie get married
-Jack looks really nervous
-gives Jessie Pollys ring
-Got married in Sakatoon at Referends home
-extremely tired
-Married by Willey Clarke