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The Lives of Anthony Johnson and Sons
Overview Part 2
In this timeline, the focus will go from the progress and the set backs made by the Africans. This is also known as Diminishing Progress. -
Overview Part 1
In the world at the time, slavery was a huge issue. Anthony Johnson, an African, was captured into slavery. In 1620, he arrived in Jamestown, Virginia. After 20 years, Johnson bought his and his wife's freedom. Together, they had four children. Eventually, Anthony had the plus of owning his own land, on which he had his own slaves. In total, he owned 250 acres of land. In the 1640s, life changed drastically for African descendents. -
Anthony Johnson Aquires Land
Anthony Johnson eventually, after he bought his and Mary's freedom, aquired land. This shows progression because he has the ability to do more with his life, including what he can do for his family. He was no longer dependent on another person for food and shelter. It shows that at that point in time, things were still almost fair for the Africans. They could still buy their own freedom and take people to court, which is seen later. -
Anthony Johnson is Able to Take an Englishman to Court
In cases of progress being withheld, Anthony Johnson, and all free Africans for that matter, had the ability to take Englishmen to court. This is progress because the Africans, although were not yet fully discriminated, were definitely frowned upon. For Johnson, this was his second major accomplishment. He and his family were then free, owned land, and had the ability to take a white man to court. Although not known at the time, this was a major step for Africans. -
If a Slave is Baptised, that Slave is not Exempt from Bondage
This event shows a partial diminishment of the progress already made. The slaves originally could be freed if they were baptised under Christianity. More slave owners then would get their slaves baptised, out of courage that they would still have their property. The Englishmen were putting the base of diminishment up for fear that the Africans would soon find ways to overpower and find loopholes in the laws. This was the first of many steps to diliberately build up fear in the Africans. -
Slaves are Now Referred to as Property
Instead of being referred to as humans, slaves are instead refered to as property. This DEFINITELY shows diminishment in the progress being made because the Englishmen are now majorly frowning upon the Africans. The rights of the Africans, freed and enslaved, are slowly being taken away after they had gained abilities. These are what are refered to as diminishing progress. The Englishmen are slowly installing fear and anger in the Africans. -
Englishmen Wanted ALL African, Mulatto, and Indian Representatives Out
Progressively getting worse, this law was one of the lesser violent laws made. This could install some fear in the Africans, but would mostly aggrivate them. This law was one of the last passed before the Africans were flat out stated as estate. The Englishmen were trying to show th Africans once and for all who was in charge. Eventually, the Africans and people of races other than English would have absolutely no say. -
Conclusion Part 1
Things progressively got worse for the Africans. Contrary to previous belief, things were not always bad for the slaves. The Englishmen continuously made things worse for the Africans, trying to install fear, knowlege of power, and many other negative feelings in them. Although children are now taught in schools that the Africans were brought over to America against their will and forced to work until either they died, or the Civil War ended, that is not completely true. -
Conclusion Part 2
The Diminishing Progress era is often compared to a frog in a pot of water. If you turn up the heat all the way and then throw the frog in, the frog will immediately jump out. On the flip side, if you put the frog in the pot on the burner and continuously turn up the heat, then the frog will be trapped and eventually will die. In this metaphore, the frog is like the slaves and the heat is like the intensity of the laws. generation, try to change the future, but don't forget the past. -
Conclusion Part 3
In today's age, things have gotten a whole lot better for Africans in America. This makes me think of the quote, "Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step."-Martain Luther King Jr. The Africans clearly did take that first step and eventually climbed the whole staircase, Will you be the next one to make that climb?