Digital Timeline Project - PPS1

  • Birth

    On April 27th at 6:10 pm I came into the world
  • First Christmas

    First Christmas
    This was my first Christmas alive and spending it with my whole family. The picture above is my Great Grandfather Papa Rails
  • My Dads First Birthday Celebration With Me

    My Dads First Birthday Celebration With Me
    My dads birthday is February 8th 1974 and since I was born in April he celebrated his birthday when my mom was pregnant.
  • First Trip To Florida

    First Trip To Florida
    This was my first every trip tp Florida. My parents had a house in Naples Florida which we would go there every winter and stay there for most of the snowy days until I was 3 years old.
  • My 2nd 4th Of July

    My 2nd 4th Of July
    In this photo I am on the rooftop of my house and my family blue up a mini pool for me and my cousins before the fireworks.
  • My Baby Cousin Came Home From The Hospital

    My Baby Cousin Came Home From The Hospital
    This is my 1st cousin Angelo, on this day he came home from the hospital and we went to see him for the first time.
  • Pumpkin Patch

    Pumpkin Patch
    On this day we went to the pumpkin patch with my whole family.
  • First Softball Game

    First Softball Game
    This is when I first started Tee-Ball. I loved it and stuck through it and I still play softball to this day.
  • My Baby Brother Was Born

    My Baby Brother Was Born
    On this day my baby brother came into the world. My 5 year old self wanted a sister but I guess my brother was fine.
  • First Father Daughter Dance

    First Father Daughter Dance
    On this day my Dad and I went to our first father daughter dance at my elementary school.
  • My Baby Sister Was Born

    My Baby Sister Was Born
    On this day my little sister was born, 13 year slater I got my baby sister I've always wanted. And on October 17th 2019 she came home.
  • Determined

    I have always been a determined person, if I have my mind set on something I will get it done. It is very important to teach my little sister and little cousin how to be a great person.
  • Thankful

    I am a very thankful for my family. I am very family oriented because I feel as you should always have your family's back until they do you wrong.
  • Adventurous

    I have always been the kind of person to explore the world I find it very interesting. In this photo One of my best friends and myself went to the beach after our softball games and went in the water with our full uniform on without a care in the world.
  • Trustworthy

    Just like I am loyal I am very trustworthy. My mother has always taught me to be there for my friends and show how I can keep a secret and be there for the people who are here for me. This is my best friend.
  • Athletic

    Ever since I was 5 years old I found the love for softball and I still play but I feel it in my heart that my time for the game is slowly coming to an end.
  • Nurturing

    I have always been the kind of person that automatically had a motherly trait because I have always loved babies and loved taking care of them. In this photo this is my baby cousin born on March 10th 2020, and we were swimming this summer.
  • Achiever

    Every since I was younger and if I put my mind to something I will always achieve it because I really want it.
  • Loyal To Friends

    Loyal To Friends
    I am a person who is very loyal to my friends and family I like to be loyal to them so they know I will always have their backs
  • Genuine

    I have always believed that you should be true to yourself and your friends always be real so they know that your never going to lie and always have their back and be yourself!
  • Cheerful

    I like to enjoy my time with my friends and family and I love to cherish the time I have because you never know how much time you have left. This is my boyfriend and I enjoying homecoming.