Digital Timeline Project.

  • The Day I Was Born

    The Day I Was Born
    This is the day my parents were blessed with a beautiful Baby girl. They didn't know my gender until the day I was born.
  • My first Halloween

    My first Halloween
    For my first Halloween my mom dressed me up as tiger from Winnie the Pooh. We still have that costume till this day.
  • My first Christmas

    My first Christmas
    Christmas is one of my favorite holidays. my most favorite part of Christmas is Christmas morning waiting to open up the gifts from Santa and just seeing the biggest smile on my siblings faces when they get the things they wanted.
  • My first birthday

    My first birthday
    The day my parents were blessed with a beautiful daughter. They always said that I was born on the hottest day in July. I had a nemo/ Winnie the pooh birthday theme. They couldn't decide on one so they picked 2
  • My first time on a skateboard

    My first time on a skateboard
    My dad taught me how to ride a skateboard when I was really young, It was one of my hobbies for a while until I just randomly grew out of it and stopped.
  • First day at kindergarten

    First day at kindergarten
    For my first day at kindergarten I went to St. John Berchmans. I went there for 2 years then later transferred to Mary Lyon.
  • My first day of being an older sister

    My first day of being an older sister
    On December, 4th 2010 my little sister was born. I remember being so excited to have a little sister. I would beg my mom to name her Ariel after my favorite Disney princess she never did but i still love my sister.
  • Childhood best friends.

    Childhood best friends.
    For my 7th birthday I celebrated it with my family and best friends. My most memorable moments from my childhood always came from the times is spent it with them. I saw them almost every weekend. Till this day i still do, they are more like sisters to me more than anything.
  • Disney on ice

    Disney on ice
    one memorable moment I will never forget was when i experienced going to Disney on ice with my 2 childhood friends. we all dressed up as some princesses
  • Ballet

    When I was younger I was in ballet for 4 years. It was something I loved and I probably would've kept going with it if I could.
  • My first communion

    My first communion
    When I was about 8 or 9 I did my first communion. It is a ceremony in some Christian traditions during which a person of the church first receives the Eucharist. I remember going to church school every Saturday with my aunt who was also my age.
  • Guatemala

    Guatemala is one of my favorite places to travel too. Its where my family is and its just absolutely beautiful. I have gone twice ones in 2018 and on recently. when i first went it was so new too me and a new experience. I fell in love with the country and the food. I love spending time with my family over there. We always travel around Guatemala so every time I go I'm always somewhere new.
  • Meeting my internet best friend

    Meeting my internet best friend
    This isnt the best picture but i remember this day like it was yesterday. She lives a couple hours away and I met her through my cousin that was friends with her. we grew really close and eventually met and we went to six flags to celebrate our birthdays since they are only 4 days apart.
  • First concert

    First concert
    My very first concert i went to was a Spanish musical group called Aventura. I absolutely love there music and when i found out i got tickets i was crying because of how excited i was. I also went to see them again in 2021 in august the night before the first day of school.
  • 8th Grade Graduation

    8th Grade Graduation
    I was unable to have a proper graduation and finish my 8th grade due to COVID. I wish I can go back and do everything right. this was a memorable moment because My grandma was there with me when they handed me my diploma.
  • Freshman Year soccer team

    Freshman Year soccer team
    This was my first year playing soccer for Taft. soccer is one of my favorite sports and forever will be. I always enjoy playing soccer and this team was the one I felt most closest teams than the ones i have been in the past. I'm also hoping on doing it this year.
  • Celebrating my 15th birthdays

    Celebrating my 15th birthdays
    In my culture turning 15 is a really big deal. Its a big deal because it means that a young girl is marking her passage from girl hood to woman hood. Usually people throw this big party but since I had the option of choosing a car or a big part I chose the car. I still got to have a small part with my family.
  • Homecoming 2022

    Homecoming 2022
    This year's homecoming I actually had a blast and definitely was a night I will always remember. I was with 2 of my best friends who I absolutely love with all my heart. They are the 2 people I know i want forever to be apart of my life. When we got back home to my house we ate frozen pizza and just had a good night.
  • Friends Giving

    Friends Giving
    This year I had a friends giving with my closest friends. We listened to music, danced, and ate Puerto Rican food. Its day I will always remember
  • Daddy yankee concert

    Daddy yankee concert
    Daddy Yankee was a artist that I grew up listening too. I absolutely love him and his music. He announced he was going on tour one last time before he retired and my dad got my mom and I tickets and we went.