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Digital timeline of napoleons career

  • Napoleon is born in Corsica

    Napoleon is born in Corsica
  • Barras helps Napoleon win promotion to Commander of the Army of the Interior

  • Napoleon graduates from military academy

    Napoleon graduates from military academy
  • Napoleon is made general

    Napoleon is made general
  • Haitian rebellion against France

    Haitian rebellion against France
  • Napoleon forces the British out of Toulon

    Napoleon forces the British out of Toulon
  • Napoleon is imprisoned under suspicion of being a Jacobin and a supporter of Robespierre

  • Napoleon marries Josephine

    Napoleon marries Josephine
  • Napoleon invades Egypt

    Napoleon invades Egypt
  • Napoleons army discovers Rosetta stone

    Napoleons army discovers Rosetta stone
  • Napoleon is made first consult of France

    Napoleon is made first consult of France
  • Napoleon restores the Catholic Church into France

    Napoleon restores the Catholic Church into France
  • Napoleon sells the Louisiana territory to the US

    Napoleon sells the Louisiana territory to the US
  • The Napoleonic code is created

    The Napoleonic code is created
  • Napoleon is crowned emperor

    Napoleon is crowned emperor
  • French fleet is destroyed at the battle of Trafalgar

    French fleet is destroyed at the battle of Trafalgar
  • Napoleon wins the battle at Austerlitz

    Napoleon wins the battle at Austerlitz
  • Napoleon is remarried to Marie Louis

    Napoleon is remarried to Marie Louis
  • Napoleons son Napoleon II is born

    Napoleons son Napoleon II is born
  • Napoleon invades Russia

    Napoleon invades Russia
  • Napoleon is exiled to Elba

    Napoleon is exiled to Elba
  • Napoleon escape from Elba

    Napoleon escape from Elba
  • Napoleon reclaims his throne beginning the 100 days

    Napoleon reclaims his throne beginning the 100 days
  • Napoleon is defeated at Waterloo

    Napoleon is defeated at Waterloo
  • Napoleon dies at st. Helena

    Napoleon dies at st. Helena