Film spilcing
There was no exact data to when this was made but the first commercial to show evidence of film splicing was The Great train robbery which was filmed in 1903 -
The first machine Moviola
There is no exact date to when the Moviola was produce but we know it was in the in 1924.
The Moviola was the first machine that was used for editing. -
Linear editing
This is when a video is selectively copied from one tape to another and it also requires at least two videos machines connected together. One acts as the source and the other is the recording.
How they would do it is by placing a video to be edited in the source machine and a blank in the recorder then they would press play on the source machine and they will record it on a recorder. -
During the 1970s the Flatbed became popular and it was easier to use. -
Non linear started in 1992 with the advent of the Avid which many professional film and video editors. The method is that video footage will be recorded onto a computer hard drive and then edited using specialised software. When the editing is finished they take the product a record to tape or optical disk. Non linear is more flexible than linear because you are able to edit any part of the video at any time. -
Non linear
Today all tv and film editing is digital and non linear. A way they do this is by using systems such as adobe Premiere, lighworks and Final Cut Pro.