different reflections

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    the government begins testing on people

    the government take random people whom they say are being tested for a baisic vaccine or smth but instead are having there genes changed and are being genatically enhanced to have powers. the government tries to keep the subjects undercontrol in a lab deep under ground.
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    the escape

    a few subjects become powerful enough and are "successes" but they end up using there powers to escape from the government and flee to other countries where they tell there stories and what the one government is doing to the rest of the governments around the world. the other countries ivestigate and confirm what the governement was doing and put an end to it. the ppl who have been genatically changed cannot be changed back as the scientists destroyed all data of testing ecept for the subjects.
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    the subjects breed and slowly more and more ppl have powers

    the ppl who were once subjects in the underground lab spread throughout the world and continue to live on there lives trying to forget about the tests and decide to claim these powers for there own. they find partners and slowly children are being born with powers and the percent of ppl with powers slowly begins to rise. but since they are still ppl they are to be raised like normal kids.
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    villans rise

    aultho many ppl who have there powers just want to blend in or just want to get through life. or others simply view there powers as something terrible, others view there powers as leverage and try to use it as a weapon to commit terrible crimes ranging from robbery to murder all the way to overthrowing the government so they can rule. soon after it wasnt safe for anyone especially for the innocent ppl with powers as many hate crimes begun to be committed against those once viewed as pitiful
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    the twins are born

    in this time of hate towards ppl with powers, a couple who both have powers now have twins whom have powers. despite all of the hate the parents begin to train there children in there powers. the girl twin (freya) has her mothers power of manipulating matter (specifically she can change gas into a solid) and the boy (ryan) has his fathers power (the ability to change things such as appearance or strength ect.)
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    heros rise

    eventually a group of ppl rose up and fought against the views of the vilains. the heros began inspiring more and more of the ppl with powers to take a stand and a wave of heros rose up to defend those who couldnt defend themselves. the heros end up being victorius and the ppl decide that there is a need for heros in the society they are living in. (the twins are four when heros finally come onto scene)
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    time skip (what happens to the twins between ages four and 7)

    with the arrival of heros the hate towards those with powers is slightly lifted aultho ppl dont want to hire ppl with powers as they might become villanus and ppl dont rlly trust them. the public belives that thoes with poers are either destined for villany or heroism. freya wants to become a docter when she gets older but after reciving so much hate from others everywhere she looks she realizes that ppl dont trust those who have powers unless your a hero, she begins to give up on her dream.
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    the online presence gives powers a name

    in the rise of villany ppl began to refer to everyone with a power as a villan or as evil. most of the time they were simply called hags (h - humans/ a - against/ g - good) when heros arose and they were introduced as a part of society that was there to defend the people a new name was given to innocent ppl with powers: gems (g - genatically/ e - enhanced/ m - members of/ s - society)